Reviews for Tattoos and Dolls
Wordistic chapter 3 . 3/2/2007
I like it. Sorry it took me awhile to get to it. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Poor Lukas but go Brody!

Rose chapter 3 . 3/1/2007
loved it
Jules chapter 3 . 2/26/2007
ok love ur story, love the tattoos lol anyways cant wait for more chappies.
Wishes Desires chapter 3 . 2/26/2007
I like ur story so far, it's getting really good and i can't wait for the next part. Please hurry it up and make it good please!
x Tequila Moonlight x chapter 3 . 2/26/2007
oh he's hooked! yay! great job can't wait for more!
Singingperson chapter 3 . 2/26/2007
Please update soon. I can't wait to read more. I really like this story.
Wordistic chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
I like it! I would say continue it, and I know that I will read it.

Nocturnal silhouette chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
It wasn't a bad story. But my suggestion? I'd refrain from using slang when writing. No 'u' in place of 'you', or 'kno' in place of 'know'. Slang is fine in a chatroom, but not in a story. Otherwise, you have a nice story on your hands. Maybe add more details, but that's only my suggestion. Good luck and I'll check back on this story.
soccerbabe16 chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
hmm, it's interesting. LOL but i like it. Update soon, ciao.
x Tequila Moonlight x chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
oh i'm liking this so far... good plot line! plus im sucker for the whole brother's best friend thing lol. great job can't wait for more!
tornangelwings chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
i freaking love this so far,and i think you should try to make it less like she's desperate, and make him love her by just being her not pretending to be someone else. i really do love this beginning its amazing, he sounds freaking hott
Heartbreaker10 chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
omg i thought i did review! i totally love your idea and cant wait to see waht going to happen between brody and lucas! update soon as u can lol!
tinymusicgirl chapter 2 . 2/25/2007
well i hope she get lucas!

deff continue