Reviews for Five Moderately Easy Steps to Having a Life
bansira chapter 1 . 7/22/2009
Aww, this was seriously cute!

I really like the characters,and the pacing, and all around everything about the story, including the Metric reference (just had to add this one, obviously).
frogs of war chapter 1 . 6/25/2009
I like it. Graham looks tough, but has a big heart and Liam isn't a hermit when he finds someone he likes.

It does have a plot and no tale of love is ever pointless.
angielala32 chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
This was so cute! I loved it :)
rose chapter 1 . 5/4/2009
aw, their so cute!
stick and straw chapter 1 . 4/16/2009
I wish I could write a real review for this one but something along the lines of "OMGRSOAIFHASOI" seems to be the only thing my mind is capable of coming up with right now. Lets just say this left a happy, warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach, and I will probably be re-reading this several times over and leave it at that.
me chapter 1 . 4/10/2009
it was beautiful and exactly More than what i was craving.
Tigaroo chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
Sunshine Bear chapter 1 . 2/27/2009
That was freaking cute... I have nothing else to say other then that was f-ing amazing.

I want to have babies with this story... I want to make cookies with this story.


Dig it.
FinalLifeline chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
This rocks! Liam and Graham (which are my two new favorite names) are, for lack of a better word, adorable! Amazing story, very amazing! :)
Shiyuri chapter 1 . 2/3/2009
Oh yes, a sequel please! They're so cute together that a sequel is a must~ XD Actually, who needs actually plot anyway when you can write adorable and lovable short stories, yeah? I've read too much long fics lately, you know. This was much needed and appreciated. _
lexi v chapter 1 . 1/26/2009
aw! i love cutesy little one shots like this, it's just perfect. this also kind of reminded me of High fidelity :P



Pinnacle of Pan chapter 1 . 1/12/2009
That was the cutest thing ever, I have to say. I love how you added in the little rules for Liam. Also, the details really made the story.
aino chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
one of the cutest stories I've read. and seriously cute, not overly fluffy in a way that makes you gag. just real cute. hope you still hang around here and write (there haven't been new updates lately,no?
Rynx-too-genki chapter 1 . 1/2/2009
cutecutecutecutecute! XDD! This story was so adorable I sat with my palms beneath my chin and a grin on my face so long my sisters though I was delusional! It was way too awesome! XD!
pennhead17 chapter 1 . 12/30/2008

a sequl would be good cuz i feel in love with the characters..

~jessi lou~
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