Reviews for Accidentally In Love
Guest chapter 14 . 12/14/2019
Very good story but I think if you would have put a part where Scarlett and Joel meet Joel's parents about the pregnancy it would have had been more interesting and I surely would like the babies to be male and female. Overall very beautiful and great story. Update soon!
hangeoreb chapter 14 . 8/30/2012
please update soon love this story!
toffeelola chapter 14 . 1/21/2012
very good story, just saying but I like Dina for girl the most. )
Chatty Katty chapter 14 . 12/7/2011
I'm not keen on any of those names, so is it okay if i put a suggestion forward? Sorry it's late, i have only just found this story. But i have always liked the name Alec for a boy and Rue for a girl. You dont have to use them, it was just a suggetsion. By the way, i love your story :D
killerqueen123 chapter 14 . 3/28/2011
I am really loving this story. I just wish I would've known that it wasn't finished... Would you please consider (since it's been over a year since you've updated) putting "on hiatus" in the summary. That way readers like me don't have to read a great story and then have it ruined by the fact that the author hasn't updated in forever. Also if you ever do come back to this story, I personally like the names Chloe and Rylie for the girls and Nathaniel/Nate, Benjamin/Ben. Please consider what I said. I hope you come back to this story though :)
Priyanka D chapter 14 . 3/22/2011
When are you going to update this story? I want to know what's going to happen next. I want Ammie and Logan to create some obstacles on the couple's way (so evil of me) and I am also looking forward to some more Landon x Kirby moments xD

Btw, you need to check on the spelling and grammatical mistakes here are there. Otherwise, the story is great! :D
VeronaBlood chapter 14 . 3/20/2011
I like Chloe the best. This chapter was good, I am glad there was some drama and that Scarlett was ok.
Alixermixer chapter 14 . 3/16/2011
I really hope that you come back and finish this story it is really good. I hope that the happy couple stays happy but why do I have a feeling that Aimee is going to be a problem
Uliana chapter 14 . 1/18/2011
You should really update it has been 13 months since you have. I like for a girl Chloe and a boy Nate
AMZIEXXX chapter 14 . 11/22/2010

Update soon!


Lady of romance world88 chapter 14 . 10/22/2010
Hi. Your story is beautiful. I have few suggestions for Scarlett and Joel's children. Hope this help you for your next chapters. :) Genders - Same letters e.g. Sam and Sabrina. Or if its two girls/boys (same meaning but different names). History names e.g. king James and Queen Elizabeth. Or Romeo and Hamlet. Famous Names - e.g. Josh and Nicola. Popular Names - e.g. Emily and Michael. There are many babies names that match with right sound and surname. Eg Robert Jackson. Check out in the library for the babies names book. Hope Scarlett and her children'll be okay. Wow i can't believe that Logan is so asshole and i glad that Scarlett dump him for good. Hope Lanclan and Kirby will be happy together. Keep writing. I am look forward for your next story. Can't wait for it. :D
Arthur-Kraft chapter 5 . 10/22/2010
i love green day

take back is awesome!
Arthur-Kraft chapter 4 . 10/22/2010
may 21st thats my mums b'day
Xxluvbugger213xX chapter 14 . 6/30/2010
Benji! or Nate!


aannd Riley or Rylie.. however you spell it

lovelovelove the story ( :
Alenor chapter 14 . 4/27/2010
Interesting...cya next time ~ Alenor
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