Reviews for Die Young, So The Corpse Looks Good
Genesis Rose chapter 5 . 11/1/2007


It's good and I want more.
Ellica Dramis chapter 5 . 6/26/2007
it's so good! i like the way jesse thinks... it sounds like the previously-mentioned person's train of thought (the one jesse reminded me of...)
Ellica Dramis chapter 4 . 6/26/2007
hey... if you need help with a plot, ask me at guard practice and i'll TRY to help... otherwise, it's a very realistic story, i think.
Ellica Dramis chapter 3 . 6/26/2007
strange character, but somehow it fits... what does his face look like? more descrip please? lurve alexa.
Ellica Dramis chapter 2 . 6/26/2007
Jesse reminds me of someone... (as in the person that "michelle" (in OUR story) was/is f*ing this summer?)
Ellica Dramis chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
intriguing... like it. much different than what i expected (well, the title was what drew me to the story... :P)
Lonely Moon chapter 4 . 5/21/2007
Really nice chapter. I like the main character more and more with each passing chapter. And again I feel obligated to say that I really like the way you write. I is just right not too wordy and not to plain. Keep it up I will surely be back for the next chapter.

Genesis Rose chapter 4 . 5/13/2007
I feel special. 0-0

Just because I read that dumbbutt segment of this story while I was at your house last Friday before seeing the Arachnoman. I don't even know if that's the correct term... but yeah. Oh yeah, Mascara Story. I thought I recognized those words... How you described the concert reminded me of the one we went to what was it... in April? With icky Hawk Nelson Cocky Dumbboy and Disciple freaks. Not really, though. 0-0 - Umm yeah. A few minor mistakes I noticed. But I'm not nice enough to point them out to you. That's how nice I am. Really. Truly. Forever. In the whole damn world. The end. For now. Sort of.


Genesis Rose chapter 3 . 4/26/2007
Hm hahah nice. Durp. in the last chapter the one sexual sicko guy knows Jesse's name, but then in this chapter you said that he assumed that everyone probably knew him by his stage name 'Fire'. Confuxxeled.
Lonely Moon chapter 3 . 4/12/2007
I enjoy this story more with every new chapter. Really this really good. I am glad you turned me on to it. The whole thing is so engageing and well writen. I an looking forward to the next chapter. He will be performing, right? I can imagine the hottness now. Well I can't wait.
Lonely Moon chapter 2 . 3/16/2007
This chapter hooked me. Very well writen. I really like it. Hip piercings? Sounds cool. I will wait (as) patiently as I can for the next chapter to come up. _-
Genesis Rose chapter 2 . 3/15/2007
I loved the part in the end about the fucktard. My favorite. Of all time. Song for all time... I'm gonna go dance now. But yes, this chapter wasn't quite as good as the last, but still great (as usual, as is anything coming from you!). You need to describe Jesse more... what color is his hair? How tall is he? What color are his eyes? His age? What does Lamb look like?

Just one small mistake- when the creepy gay guy realized who Jesse is, Jesse thinks 'No what?' Typo on 'now what'. No biggie.
Lonely Moon chapter 1 . 3/14/2007
Unique. Your style of writing takes some getting used to but I like the way it flows once you get into the rythme. I read chapter one with out reading the summary first so I'm not quite sure what is about but I'll add you to my alerts. I am anxious to see how this progressed. Keep it up.
Genesis Rose chapter 1 . 3/13/2007
Hair extensions?