Reviews for The Last Words of Autumn
EnigmaticArsenic chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
hello. i bet you thought i'd forgot about you. but no. just everything else. lol.

[the parchment leaves strewn all over the forest as if every tree were a frustrated poet.] gasp! i love this analogy. lol. it's perfect.

just like this. beautiful as always!

and on another note, you know what this reminded me of? Poe's Legeia, lol.
Long Island Iced Tea chapter 1 . 3/13/2007
Very, very beautiful. That's all I can say.
Syntax.Writer chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
Wow. Amazing.

it was beautiful, really. So, complex yet simple, alluring and heartbreaking. I raise my hat to you.

Circus chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
"...feet crunching into the parchment leaves strewn all over the forest as if every tree were a frustrated poet."

I am absolutely blown away by the sheer amount of perfection in this story. You are mastering story-telling in your genius style, so beautifully unique and refreshingly antique. I am absolutely sure that if you continue writing, you will be well-known for your abundant talent. A very, very good job.