Reviews for Favourite Time of the Year
happysally chapter 6 . 11/26/2014
Oh my god John Donne! I'm impressed hahaha
One small critique, I find it hard to believe she doesn't remember this guy's name... or that maybe she never knew it? Either way, I hope it's explained. The mind does do weird things to cope! I'm still very interested in the story.
happysally chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
Oh my goodness, I only read the first chapter and I'm completely hooked. The way your write is simply delicious.
So far, I love Autumn as a character. I love how confident and smooth she appears, although it's obvious from the way you write that there's something deeper there.
It sounds like it will take a while to find out more about this mysterious, nameless boy, but I am very excited about it.
Brilliant first chapter!
Brightheart chapter 26 . 8/27/2014
Loved the story!
Evie Layne chapter 4 . 1/4/2013
That is so hilarious. My name is Haydin but you add a I in between the d and the n
Guest chapter 27 . 11/6/2012
Did Mitchell really have to die?
Junkiee chapter 27 . 12/19/2011
This story deserves alot more recognition! Normally, I get bored half way through most of the stories on Fiction Press and stop, but this one kept my attention all the way to the end. Great story!
bookNINjA chapter 27 . 8/10/2010
wow mitchell was just killed off very randomly, but this was a very nice story. it was so cute
controlledsoul chapter 27 . 7/7/2010
A truly amazing story. I'm glad I came across this one actually. At some parts, it's a bit puzzling..and a bit fast paced about the two main characters, but either way, I liked it a lot. :) cant wait to see more from yo.
esssjay chapter 27 . 8/23/2009
at the start of this story i got a really weird vibe, and at first i thought autumn was some sort of female vampire preying on men, and then i realised what was actually going on.

i like the concept of the story, but to be honest there just wasn't a lot of suspension of disbelief with the whole 'autumn can't remember anything about her first love' thing. sure she's been with a lot of guys since, and it's not like she's completely lost her memory but the fact that she doesn't even remember his name ? no way. i mean i was waiting and waiting for it to be revealed that she'd had some traumatic accident and lost her memory. cliche i know, but that honestly is the only explanation; after all, he was her first love. and i think it's too vague about how old she was when it happened ?

i kind of laughed at the name 'leaf' as well. if it was a deliberate play on the autumn and leaf thing it worked on that level, but aside from that, i don't think so. i mean what girl falls in love with a guy called leaf ? no offence.

like i said though, the concept of the story was good and i liked it. i also particularly liked your epilogue. sure it wasn't really an epilogue (like the usual ones) but i liked how you just kind of outlined what had happened to the characters. it gave the impression that this was the end of a movie or something and there would be a montage of scenes depicting where each of the characters were at now. i also liked how it wasn't a happy ever after. it was realistic.

anyway, sorry if i sound really critical in this review. hopefully you take it all constructively. i honestly did enjoy this story, i'm just not good at gushing on and on about all the great things. thanks for the great read !
Angel-Leigh Jones chapter 27 . 5/1/2008

great story i really enjoyed it. I am glad that Autumn got Haydn in the end. Love the spelling of Haydn very nice.

sunflower.kiss chapter 27 . 4/13/2008
That was inspiring. Loved it.

Hannah chapter 27 . 3/17/2008
I LOVE this epilogue, it's short and straight to the point. Everything seems to have ended the way it should...I'll admit I got a little emotional over Mitchell though :( poor guy ... ),:(really crappy crying face there lol)
jsbrothers chapter 27 . 2/26/2008

I loved this story! I've been reading it since last summer.

I just couldn't wait for a new chapter to be written everytime i finished one. I can't belive the story is over. I hope you write another story so I can enjoy that one just as much.

One Last Kiss chapter 27 . 2/26/2008
Wow, your story is awesome.! I really don't see why it has so few reviews. It's a lot better than most of the other romance fics out there.

But no! Mitchell is dead? I loved him. He was so cute at the dance when he told Autumn he'd be leaving her. It would have been cool if you did a sort of sequel with Mitchell, but i guess that's not an option now.

Great story.

Kadie x
FireInMyBones chapter 24 . 2/7/2008
this is freakin amazing, love it
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