Reviews for Message of Suffering
lordelfy chapter 1 . 10/20/2007
this is really good, but i think it ended kind of fast. I thought there was more to it and scrolled down more and there was nothing more. You could probably expand on this a little bit but i do like it already! Very nicely written and something that everyone can interpret their own way
mindOFdeliriousUNREST chapter 1 . 4/4/2007
aw, so sad! *tear, tear* i like it alot, though i would suggest a little more "figurative writing" as my teacher calls it.


-the delirious one
morethancarbon chapter 1 . 3/18/2007
Ah, my dear. How true.

I would suggest maybe a metaphor or two?

After a couple of lines it doesn't flow very well...
Gevo chapter 1 . 3/18/2007
sad... good poem