Reviews for Tearc Dragan |
Silver Daratraz chapter 11 . 6/13/2008 I give Faelen points to being persistent and patient and there's a lot of p's in this aren't there? |
Ghostmoon Dancer chapter 11 . 6/13/2008 Nice chapter, I liked it. Faelan sure is possessiv ;D |
mii chapter 11 . 6/13/2008 thanks for the new chapter, you just made my day! it seems that things are looking up a bit and I'm really happy for solas. I just hope he isn't doing something stupid (regarding the last sentence)... otherwise I really like the end of this chapter, so cute~ I just have to read it over and over again :) |
Wolfwitch chapter 11 . 6/13/2008 Yay! This just made my night. Um, morning. Damn, I shouldn't be up this late, but I checked my email before heading off to bed and i just couldn't resist an update from you! I love Cocidius, by the way. He's really adorable, the way he acts. |
Rayne Auster chapter 11 . 6/13/2008 I just love the bit at the end... "I will continue to pursue... court you as long as we both draw breath." That pretty much sums Faelan up. He is determined to be with Solas and Solas should realise that anyone as determined as that surely wants him. As for Oisin, hmm, how about this? Cocidius gets a group of his friends together, they all go out drinking (water of course) and in the middle of their merriment get a little rowdy as they realise it's mating season. They stumble upon Oisin who accidentally gets in the way of the animals in heat or something and along the way loses a few things valuable to him... Can't blame the animals, of course. It's mating season after all and everyone knows not to interfere with a mantra in heat. |
Dying in Black chapter 11 . 6/12/2008 WOW! At first I was surprised I did not see that coming for Sola, Devin's a jerk yuck hate him! I love how you turned the plot around and cant wait for more! |
JtheChosen1 chapter 11 . 6/12/2008 dang i feel bad for Solas! to be wanted so badly but not to be wanted at all! such awesomeness! |
jma chapter 10 . 5/19/2008 Awesome as always... a little shorter than usually but hell I'm glad you took the time to update at all. I want to violate Anile in unpleasurable ways... may the evil mofo be... calming down. Ahem... I hope (and know) that Solas will find happiness... I just can't hardly wait to see it happen! |
Ruri Star Sykel chapter 10 . 5/8/2008 w00t! an up date i love this story it's getting better and better! yay! please up date again soon. |
darrena chapter 10 . 5/6/2008 Ouch! Is Faelan gonna hunt Solas then? Great chapter! |
annushka chapter 10 . 5/6/2008 like a lot of people I'm sure, I'm so happy to see that you are contiunuing this story ! I would be more careful with somebody like Faelan who seems dangerous, I would be more careful (considering Realta's and Hoginus reaction torwards his courting Solas, they felt like they had little choice but to accept, and they are the rulers...). I wonder how things will turn out ! Well, I am looking forward to yor next chapter. |
Wolfy chapter 10 . 5/5/2008 Yay! I'm so happy you updated this! It's the perfect reward for a long day of work. Thank you! |
JtheChosen1 chapter 10 . 5/5/2008 i really lie this story! keep up the good work! |
kiki chapter 10 . 5/5/2008 Thank you very much for updating! when you said few months ago that you are discontinuing this series, i was disappointed but i am happy now that u are coming back! Again thanks for updating! |
mii chapter 10 . 5/5/2008 yeah, a new chapter :D I can't even say how grateful I'm, thanks a lot. really great chapter, didn't notice that it isn't betaed. hope things will work out between solas and faelan, I would like to see them together - even if it seems like a long way to go |