Reviews for Tearc Dragan
leylaxx16 chapter 1 . 4/1/2007
I love the beginning of this story and i think that it is going to turn out very well so i look forward to the next update. Can't wait for the meeting.
Mewenn chapter 1 . 4/1/2007
Last part sounds a little like a horror movie. All in all, this first chapter seems very promising. I wonder how it'll be like when lonely Solas will face a bunch of strangers who don't understand him.
megerdum chapter 1 . 3/31/2007
chrnoskitty chapter 1 . 3/30/2007
This was so full of suspense, it surprised me! I mean hell, I was getting a bit freaked out when I read taht something was under the floorboards... "SHOOT! SHOOT IT AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER!" then the logic came in and it was like "NO! DONT SHOOT HIM! SO MANY HAVE DIED FOR HIM!"

One question: Is Solas a lifebearer? I can't quite remember if he was...

Great story anyways! keep up the fantastic work!
Kageyama Tatsuya chapter 1 . 3/29/2007
Simply fantastic! The suspense is already so high and it's still so early in the work. I can't wait to read more! Ciao!

dafne22 chapter 1 . 3/29/2007
Hello, I love your Garnet series, so I was impatiently waiting for the third one. It really fulfilled my expectations. The first chapter is great. The begining is really sad, but I hope the future chapters will cheer up a bit. I am wondering who attacked them the first time and I am a little confused what happend the second time. Were they attacked again or was it only asteroids? I am looking forward to the next chapter. God job! :-)
Max Ikari chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
Love this. I like how it flows much better than the previous stories. Nonetheless, still a fan. Hope you update soon
Ryeka chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
Oh! it's good! i love it so a little creeped out at the end but i cant wait to see what happens!
Mikiyu Sado chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
Wow, how sad. I actully cried during this chapter. I wonder how Solas changed in the thirteen years without other people around him. looking forward to the next chapter D
Silfarion chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
I think this is an excellent beginning. I was already expecting them all to die except for the young son so I didn't think it was too rushed or out of place. I think Dearcán was a good man and what he did for Fáilte before they died was great and it wasnt out of pity either. I'm really curious to see how young Solas grew up alone with that AI for those 13 years (I mean what he learned and how he'll react to Devin's crew and more importantly, Devin himself). Being a member of your yahoo group, I also already have a mental image of him now that I saw your Sims 2 picture of him so that's really nice. Looking forward to the next chapter. Garnet Series is so yum~
bambi4real chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
I am so glad to see that you are continuing with Garnet. I have read ever installment and loved everyone of them. I think I vaguely remember the references to the lost space colony, but that was really cruel killing everyone so quickly. I mean Failte had just found some measure of peace and dies. I also didn't get how the astroid shower could cause the weird smell and the hole through the head and stomach. It seemed rather precise like a shot rather than random meteor stones. And how come it didn't penetrate where sola was hiding?
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