Reviews for Worthy Pursuits
LethargicLove chapter 1 . 6/13/2007
Haha, I love intertwined point of views! Are you going to have the guys' points of view as well?
Heron-Marked Sword chapter 1 . 5/2/2007
That was very entertaining! Please write more soon! :)
Desert Illusion chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
Ahah! Now THAT was a VERY interesting first chapter! Jared seems a bit...stiff. I mean I know he's a lawyer and all, and they are all basically stiff, and a bit anti-social (no offence to anyone out there!) but stil...for all his good looks, he MUST know how to manipulate the *ahem* female population to his advantage, no? I mean he's a freaking prosecutor for crying out loud! Surely he MUST know that he gets more looks than normal? *sighs* Anyways, enought about his hottness. I'm a bit more interested in his character right now...and that hasn't really impressed me much yet. Of course this is only the first chapter, so show me what you can do! *grins* hehe!

I loved your previous story "connection" And I'm really looking forward to reading this one too.

So, take care and UPDATE SOON! I'd like to see this one completed!


Lorilozz chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
Great start. I could definitely get to like the main characters and the story sounds like there should be plenty of fun ahead.
Pundit chapter 1 . 4/3/2007
Yay! I love it. Vey nice set up you have going on here. Can't wait to read more!