Reviews for Fateful
DefineBeauty chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
i think this one is your best poem

however, its flow is a little bit off, especially with the 4th stanza. the second line is a little too long, which throws it off since the rest of the poem is shorter than that.

but overall i liked it ] its sweet
Sexy Vampirechick chapter 1 . 4/16/2007
Aw...this is soo more can she ask for?You're terribly drowning her in your sea of love.
Tipped chapter 1 . 4/13/2007
Simple but touching. Very sweet and beautiful.

"Making an agreement,

For we are the stars above."

"A seraph's descendant,

Who gives me love."

Powerful lines that evoke wonderful imagery. Well done.