Reviews for Continuum
allancaldera chapter 8 . 3/2/2014
Awwww they are getting married, I am so happy they are staying together as a married couple and I am happy that Damonica is so understanding.
Due Cues chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
Cue introduction: I really want to hate you for making me cry in The Charade. Honest.

Worse yet, I cried a second time in the Continuum. (HOWCOULDYOUKILLSIDDY?)

Cue somewhat irrelevant justification: I have never been reduced to tears before for something like this and although I absolutely detest the Drama and Angst genres (I did not check the summary genre), your magic bade me go on with it.

Translation: You're good. Exceedingly.

Cue remembering the review: So I hate that you killed Sid off and did not bring him back to life.

Cue rant: Hey, you had that spirit-expert lady and Siderius being a supernatural creature already! Plus the epilogue! You could have done something; Siddy could've come back with some magic, no? Reincarnation? Some sort of sacrifice like in the anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood where Ed gives up his alchemy in return for his lost brother?

Cue sub-rant: And I also find it odd that given the possibilities magic wields in this story, why couldn't Mialynn's conception be reversed? Surely time can be reversed too, to any (limited, maybe) amount, so the mess could be called off/averted before it started?

Cue internal/self conflict: Sure it wouldn't make a very nice story after all that, but I'm just stating the possibilities, now that you've had Dereliqui appear so more powerful wizards open up new options...

Cue giving up: Argh. I just don't like 'stained' love, I guess. Figures, since I never really liked Califex from the start, with his... spotty past.

Cue half-arsed attempt to continue review:(His name is kinda sullying Calcifer's from Howl's Moving Castle too. Couldn't the magic pair have swapped names instead? Just look at the similarities! Calcifer's a fire/star demon trapped by Howl and Siderius is a light spirit trapped by Califex.)

Cue apology: I'm sorry for giving such a weird review... _"

Cue attempting to redeem self: I critique better in a conversation, I swear.
sunny-california chapter 8 . 3/3/2012
I like the story I really do but what about sid. He was one of the key characters in the story and he just sorta disappeared. I know that his death was avenged and everything but it just seems that once they get flamma lock up they forget all about sid. Aww, poor sid.
Keona Raynalise chapter 8 . 6/3/2010
Wow! I know it feels like its done, and its a wonderful story, but i kinda want another story just because you are so amazing at writing! But then, if there would be more, it probably wont be Cali and Cer because they already had their happy ending and i cant imagine them running into any other trouble(of course thats not true, cause anything is possible, but it seems like a solid ending)! I have a feeling you want to write the princesses story… but i WOULD prefer it to be slash, and i cant imagine there being another slash story sequel without it being Calcifex and Cer! And then your could also write about the little princess… Or even Cali's father! But i rather despise that man, and am not sure there is anything you could write to make me like him… Oh! Cali had lots of children! You could also write about one of them! Well, your the writer, and i simly love this story, it made me cry a tear or two when Sid died, and im so glad everything turned out!
Iuno chapter 8 . 6/1/2010
Oh I love this. The trials Cal had to go through! I really though Sid would come back, damn. I love that Cerasus managed to grow a backbone while trying to put order in his life. I do wish you'd write a third installment for this. I would love to see Cera and Cal as husbands!
noisuli chapter 3 . 1/30/2010
I really like this story [maddening as it is] but I can't stop thinking that Cerasus should act like the king he is and give his mother the, more than deserved, "rest" she needs after taking care of him and the kingdom and banish the poisonous hag to oblivion. seriously. grow some balls man!
kepteinen chapter 8 . 7/15/2009
Definitely. I was turned into a puddle several times over.

freak1012000 chapter 8 . 7/12/2009
I was actually expecting the previous chapter to be the last...

Goodness, you surprised me with this one...and a wonderful surprise it is too! It's so touching and beautiful how they all became a big happy family, even Damonica acting as Cera's "sister" and Mialynn and Cali were so adorable together!

I really hope that you will continue this wonderful work of yours. I've been following it ever since I first set eyes on "Charade" some almost-three years ago. Actually, based on the poll on your page, I wouldn't mind if it isn't centered on long as slash is still mentioned and Cali and Cera are still mentioned time to time...hehe

Hope to see an new post from you soon!
dorome chapter 8 . 7/12/2009
woah, thanks! I love happy endings and fluffy stuff and this chapter made my day!
pour bottes chapter 8 . 7/11/2009
My heart broke when Sidereus died.

Glad I found the story just as you wrapped it up. I wouldn't have been able to stand the suspense of waiting for the ending. You have a wonderful writing style. Everything seems to flow so naturally, too.
xxdeadxx16 chapter 7 . 7/9/2009
Wonderful this continuation has been everything I was hoping for. I had been worried about the whole needing a queen issue after reading the first story. I also really wanted Calcifex to meet his father and i wanted to see what he would be like. this was an amazing read and I was not disappointed.
freak1012000 chapter 7 . 7/9/2009
I can't believe it's over! I really hope you add a final installment to this!
kepteinen chapter 7 . 7/7/2009
Aw. You know, I'm an angst-fan, but wellplaced fluff just makes me melt.
kepteinen chapter 6 . 7/5/2009
I don't care how much smut you give me, I still can't believe you killed Sid.
freak1012000 chapter 6 . 7/2/2009
Another wonderful story! What you don't have in quantity, you surely make up for it it quality! Such a wonderful new chapter! I especially adore the the making-love scene at end!

I'm kinda disappointed that the queen mother only gets imprisonment and not inexplicable torture...oh well...

I can't wait for the epilogue! I'm kinda sad that it's all over though...
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