Reviews for The Hunger In His eyes
PessimisticOptimism chapter 1 . 6/11/2007
Awesome. That's the one word I will use to describe my feelings on this poem. It's just awesome. It's a beautifully illustrated look into the lives of so many people who have suffered through this kind of situation. This has to be one of my favorites. Great job!
starry-nights206 chapter 1 . 5/25/2007
Oh god...That's a sad story :(

Be careful with your rhyming; some of them sound a bit forced ex: "skin" "happenin'" and "terrified" "I" As a general rule, it's best not to use rhyming unless it sounds natural to the piece

You did a good job portraying the narrator's emotions. :)
Ravensbleeding chapter 1 . 5/19/2007
That was...disturbing. But I liked it! I'm not a sadist! I swear! I just think that the poem was well written and portrayed its message clearly across. It's very good, and I like disturbing, so it fits right in with me! Disturbing rocks!
lockna2 chapter 1 . 5/2/2007
that really dissgusting to say the lest ... but it was worded well ... n it flowed (if that makes u feel better ) but if it is true then srry
gnomesbeatfaeries chapter 1 . 5/1/2007
wow, quite amazing. only two things. the line with retaliate dosen't sound quite right...and the line with breathing and yelling for help made me stop and have to puzzle it out, which kind of ruined your rhythm.
