Reviews for Free Fall
MelodieCC chapter 15 . 4/12/2010
i feel like crying, knowing what is going to happen. i understand Hayden's pain but i can't stand to have sweet, innocent Rynne get hurt.

please update soon? you haven't been for a while for both of your stories. please tell me you're going to finish the story eventually? pretty please... :)
MelodieCC chapter 1 . 4/11/2010
well, this certainly is an interesting introduction; i'm already hooked. :)
Night-Rayne chapter 15 . 3/27/2010
Hey, I just wanted to say that I just read this story for the second time (its been a long time since I first read it) and its still amazing, I hope you continue it sometime, especially since you left it off right before the climax.
kikichaka chapter 15 . 3/2/2010
Interesting that still so many people are waiting for you to update and still keeping track and reading it.

Please you both need to update.
Ederra chapter 15 . 1/1/2010
He's not going to go through with the plan is he? I can understand why she never questioned their friendship because even though it's too good to be true, she wants to live in the moment. The plot's really good, as well as the characters.

I hope you continue to update this story...

TaintedInnocence chapter 15 . 12/27/2009
OMG !1 I NEED THE NEXT ONE! AW HAYDEN LIKES RYNNE TO! I HATE WHAT FIONA DID(even though i dont know the full story yet) But dont hate rynne for it
HappyCloudyChic12 chapter 15 . 12/13/2009
Please continue?
Arisa chapter 15 . 11/19/2009
Please, I love your story to give up on it. I've been checking everyday for updates. :(
studentofwords chapter 15 . 11/8/2009
justice chapter 15 . 11/8/2009
Okay to tell you the truth...I love your story!

I hope you update soon. I really wanna know what'll happen next.

Keep on writing.
Alex chapter 15 . 11/6/2009
The last sentence of this story's summary makes me think Rynne isn't as innocent as she seems.
reizuki chapter 15 . 10/31/2009
i like this story..u did a great job..i can't wait for the ent chapter..
PreviouslyDead chapter 15 . 10/25/2009
Your right, the story line is geting pretty boring, so much so that its hard not to just skim read. But im liking it, so im gonna stick with it.
abski chapter 15 . 10/14/2009
darling! this story is really well written and thought out. nicely done!

you simply must update this story AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! i cannot wait to read what happens to the two star-crossed lovers in the future. i also want to know what Hayden's grand finale act of vengeance is. UPDATEE!


Roulala chapter 15 . 9/13/2009
Waw! I just live this story! But please, don't be too hard on Rynne!

Hayden should just crack her heart and not break it to pieces! Or well not let her suffer for long... I just dread that moment... Even if the grovelling part to get back in her favor would be quite enjoyable...

Anyway! Really like your story and can't wait to see how you're making their story progress... Maybe it's his father who'll break the bad news... I mean, he obviously must know who she is (since she looks like her mom...) Here stop my musings!
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