Reviews for From Hotel Beds and Other Lesser Known Landmarks
Katterree Fengari chapter 1 . 5/30/2007
I love your metaphors. I don't really understand the part in the parenthesis, unless it's on thinness and youth. I can't quite get the story, though this might be because I recently read a novel in which the main character was a woman losing ground because she was getting old, so I already had my mind going in a different direction...

I really like the ending. I didn't initially connect 'pulse' to 'flatline', but I still knew what you meant.

It seems strange to me- in the first stanza it seems a separation between the speaker and whoever the subject is, but in the second there's that 'us' and 'we'...

I don't see how the repeted words helped( 'here' and 'we sail'); my eyes actually skipped over them.