Reviews for Juxtaposition
A.Kashikoi chapter 1 . 5/23/2011
for me its the opposite my moms the verbally abusive one and my dad is the threatening one..
not done baking chapter 1 . 9/27/2008
This was very, very good. However, it feels more like a scene then an entire play, of course I don't know the time limit you had for the festival so maybe this was all you could put in. Other then that, this was very good. The emotion was very there, I think that Donna could have stumbled more on her words since teens generally don't explain themselves that well in an argument. There's a lot of, "Oh my God" "ugh" and such.

Still, amazing job. You have me hating my mom right now.

vicki chapter 1 . 6/8/2007
it's so weird...everyone is misunderstood, but no one ever seems to GET it.

excellent story, update. hope your situation gets better
Jane Cowell chapter 1 . 6/5/2007
I love it! It sounds like me! Only, my mother is even more sympathetic to the one that abuses me emotionally- my brother. Thanks for that. ;)