Reviews for Hope and Hate
Anehalia chapter 27 . 11/12/2007
Working on All Three Sides of the Story (Good title). Your story is actually good (I am a good reviewer even though my stories arn't that good) I will tell you that your characters are just la laing through life. You show character instead of telling your character. Its like story show and tell except now your not showing by telling. Instead, you are trying to telling by showing.

Also, I feel for you. I know what you mean about hating it when people hit but don't review. Have you turned off your stop anynomous? That might help. And, dont call yourself a crappy writer. You are quite good in my opinion. Keep writing _
Caplock chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
I advise you to reread this carefully... some things are worded weirdly... and you leave some words out (look at beginning of last paragraph for example)
Dellarose chapter 5 . 6/22/2007
Mazin's excuse was funny. xD I'm a big fan of short chapters, and I love that you update daily. Yay you!
Dellarose chapter 2 . 6/21/2007
Haha, this was amusing, in a peculiar way. The ending of this chapter was a bit confusing, but I liked it anyway. :)
vaudeville summers chapter 1 . 6/18/2007
Very good beginning! Hmm...Mazin seems rather in denial ;D but I'm sure he'll overcome that soon. He seems to me to have a fairly...wry attitude, which I like. I have high hopes for this story, so write more soon XD
