Reviews for Patchwork
Golden Lung chapter 1 . 11/4/2007
I really liked this! An interesting idea, sort of a dystopian view of the future (ever heard of Children of Men?) and the whole story being in italics gives it...I'm not quite sure what to call "it", but it adds something good to the story. And spot on with the grammar. We also hear just enough about how the future is without it all being given away.

Having Mr. Weller and the doctor go back and forth a little bit on the ethics of the situation was great and what you'd expect (I mean, don't you think Mr. Weller would question the decision? Course he would).

Overall, great story.
Ember Swish chapter 1 . 6/24/2007
Wow...sounds creepy! I can't wait to hear what the child turns out like...
krycalex chapter 1 . 6/21/2007
A very intriguing story, written in an interesting way and with a beautiful and flowing style. Just wonderful. :)