Reviews for Dear Imagination
Popcornluver chapter 31 . 7/11/2009
haha one of the awesomest stories i've read in a while. loved it! :)
somepenname chapter 31 . 6/18/2009
oh my god! I really loved this story. It was like my solace; I went to it to escape my annoying family. I'm so happy i stumbled upon this wonderful piece of fiction. :]
somepenname chapter 2 . 6/17/2009
I really like this. And it's really weird because I live right across the street from a condominium, and right across from that next to where I live is a burger king, and right by that is a dairy queen. lol.

Going to the next chapter now. :]
soaddictedtoyou chapter 7 . 6/11/2009
HAHAHAHAH lovely chapter.

This is so strange, it's intriguing. The letters, especially. LOL
Delilah Lillith chapter 31 . 3/25/2009
Have I told you how wonderful your story is, and imsanly hilarious. :)abosolutely amazing!
Missus Finkle chapter 1 . 3/11/2009
I've just finished the revised version, and it's really goode - but I still want more. Unsurprising, lol, but I do. I hope you decide to maybe revamp P.s. Dear Imagination again as I really liked that too.

MissusFinkle xx
nonaccount chapter 8 . 3/11/2009
In answer to your question, I stumbled upon this hillarious story via Missus Finkle's Favorite Stories and I'm so glad I did because I love it!
3DarkGoddess3 chapter 31 . 3/11/2009
Really funny. I loved that she told the counseler shes a nympho. I had to bust up laughing at that. The ending made it even funnier(is that even a word? O well). I liked that she was so different but it seem like it took forever for them to get together. Really funny story I enjoyed reading it.
RiaReborn chapter 31 . 1/15/2009
wow! I love this story so much! waa! why is it over? rawr! I feel so sad :(

anyway, this story is so funny but unique. I love the imagination letters :D even if they are disturbingly (is that a word?) graphic!
GretaDarken chapter 31 . 1/3/2009
As a longtime lover of young adult novels I have to say this is the funniest and most original story that I've read in quite awhile. Lyn made a great unconventional protagonist. Despite her harshness and other shortcomings I couldn't help but like her; possibly because she reminds me a bit of myself at her age (which seems like a lifetime ago but it's only been about five years). Christopher was also another interesting character and I found myself especially enjoying the scenes between he and Lyn. They definitely have more chemistry than a certain couple from a certain shitty vampire series everyone seems to fawn over as the best and most magical *ever*.

The secondary characters had me thinking "I know this kid" often. Usually they're laughably crappy caricatures of what old people think modern high schoolers are like, but I can honestly say I knew kids like Carol, Kitty, Liz, etc. And while it's sad to know that such douchey people seriously exist it makes the story easier to relate to, especially since I live in a smallish town (but not so small that everyone knows everyone else) as well. And the parties and school functions really *were* (and still *are*) a lot like you described.

The only negative thing I have to say is that I wasn't particularly fond of the homophobic slurs and comments, but they didn't keep me from liking this story. Also, I realize that people (i.e. teenagers) generally speak without a PC Filter so the dialog was made more realistic in that respect.

It would be really neat if you decided to do a sequel, but even if you don't this story is a great standalone.
Tempus Frangit chapter 31 . 12/24/2008
If this was to be published, I'd buy it. I'd pay any money and wait with longing until it'd be shipped to my shithole of a country. That's how good this story was. Srsly. :D
Broken-Souls-Lost chapter 31 . 12/9/2008
I love this story it's the best I have read on here you are a great writer!
storywritergirl chapter 31 . 12/2/2008
Awesome. That is all I have to say.

Oh, and that I love Lillian. And Christopher.

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. D
Jezzykins chapter 31 . 11/30/2008
It was downright adorable, in a crazy kinda way. I loved your portrayal of characters, and how she softens up. Its really cute.

The writing to her imagination thing was kickass. So cool, I'm gonna try doing that. :P

Naw, I'm no creep. :)

Anyway, I loved the thing. To cute.
CharlieandLola chapter 31 . 11/11/2008
i really enjoyed this story and i think that it was written extremely well. you have an individual wrtiting technique and it is great.! well done xo
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