Reviews for Shades of Fire
monichi chapter 14 . 10/11/2007

at least she's not in denial.. xDD

but ARGH. why can't drystan see that she wants HIM and not mr lance fancy pants. (

so rooting for drystan.
Lady Katreina chapter 14 . 10/10/2007
School is stressing. I'm totally rooting for Drystan, and THANKYOUFORUPDATING!
dawn's unforgiving darkness chapter 1 . 10/9/2007
would some1 who writes "I love you so, my dear counterpart: one who I have not met. I love you so, forever so; I cannot live without your breath. You speak to me, my love, you do. Oh how I only think of you." would get into a competitive writing school?

i mean i really wouldn't know, but the poem was pretty bad
Angela Hilario chapter 14 . 10/8/2007
Please don't have another one of those one-month haiatus things!

A love triangle? hmm...
Twinkle Star Bell chapter 14 . 10/8/2007
Who wants safety anyway? Heidi needs to have some fun! I'm doing for Drystan. Well update as soon as you can. I understand how school is stressful. I have so much work and it's only the second month of school for me. Update ASAP!
PaintSunshine chapter 14 . 10/8/2007

god, my hands are tired already. LMAO. AHAHA.
sara chapter 14 . 10/8/2007
i like drystan he better win, lol. anyway great story. keep it up! down with lance. GO DRYSTAN!
biggerthanthis chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
How come every time I read an awesome story it always stops at the good part?

Finish it! Now. xD
shadowgirl618 chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
Loved the chapter. My favorite part was when Drystan went, "I won't let you fall."

Too cute! Update soon :)

violet-eyez chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
why when she finally acknowledges her feelings for him
January Skies chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
Can't wait for the next chapter!
into the black chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
Drystan all the way! Lance is too safe and non-risque. He is also very judgemental and lives in a bubble. GO Drystan!
Malleus chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
God I love this story. It's brilliant. Amazing! Keep it up; I'm hooked
Too-Lazy-To-Log-In chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
Great story! The only thing I found that could be fixed was your use of the word jeer. It's more of a derogatory term, not a term to describe laughter. It's used in context with ridiculing someone, being rude, derision, etc. Other than that, love it

(my bets on Drystan ])
softrequiem chapter 14 . 10/7/2007
whoo! chapter 14! :D great job as always

omg when heidi stood up to brian & his friends, that was totally awesome! ;D

& i love the whole ice-skating part.. so cute
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