Reviews for But I Love You
Guest chapter 2 . 4/17/2010
i love it!... but you used the word "threw" in a wrong way...

really! your story is great...
lenaaaaaaaa chapter 22 . 9/5/2008
how fkin gay man chapter 22 . 8/14/2008
oh my god! the story was so was so sweet and real-ish. one tip could be that your ending could've been made a little stronger and clearer. but overall it was awesome! i loved it so much! the trent guy really doesn't seem to understand ally... sucks.
XxTheSoNotMainStreamxX chapter 21 . 2/28/2008
it made me cry but i liked it. i know im a sap 4 stuff like that
remember me vividly chapter 2 . 8/29/2007
OMG I love your story... Anyone who knows Meg and Dia in this world ROCK! You'll be hearing from me soon!
NADINERDRGZ chapter 21 . 8/9/2007
youpin chapter 1 . 8/8/2007
Love it.
anko chapter 21 . 7/20/2007
i love how the end is somewhat tragic (is that the right word?). but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. don't try a sequal, it will only mess up the ending... least that's what i think.
Brandi chapter 21 . 7/12/2007
Hey, i loved this story, this is the first story that i have read on fictionpress that the girl didn't get the guy, it felt like somehting that was real, that actually happened. on here they always get together. but you changed it, thats what i liked about your story, you went a different way with it.
clichedwords chapter 21 . 7/11/2007

That's so sad :'(



VEry good ending though even if it was sad
Vrotz chapter 2 . 7/9/2007
I do realize I'm reviewing this story long after it's finished...But I could care less...

That being cleared up, I love the approach you gave this story.t what I find most peculiar, is the way you if she'd given if she's convinced that kismet's plays is how it's supposed to be.

She just goes along with the ride.

She has got to be the most pesimistic character I have ever encountered...and that makes her interesting.

There have been others, but others fight, at least for a while before they give up, and when they give up, they leave somethign behind, however small it may be, whichever side it may belong to, good or bad.

But she...she is resinged to the world. For her time just passes in dragging lulls, adn when I was reading, only a few scenes appeared in color, the rest blended into black and white scenery. Like an old movie.

I'm simply entranced, to say the least...
Nitchu Mikata chapter 21 . 7/8/2007
Aw she didn't end up with Colby! Sob...

This was a really enjoyable story,

tink0113 chapter 21 . 7/7/2007
i loved it!I cryed when Ally and Trent stoped the friendship.I hope that you write more for Ally,she just has to get with Trent.
ayoo marie chapter 21 . 7/7/2007
OMG, I am so proud of Ally.

She didnt let Trent get to her, or let Colby bring her down.

Im so happy she made a new group of friends and is finally moving on from Trent & Colby.

I loved this story.
taliana raine chapter 16 . 7/7/2007
omg. that was AMAZING! i cried! i REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you do another story with Ally, it would be so awesome!
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