Reviews for Love Bites
x.rawr.x chapter 1 . 3/23/2010
why? i loved a quick bite, why is this one removed?
Devilish Kisses chapter 14 . 1/31/2010
Oh, come on! You can't leave us hanging like this! His wife is back?
Devilish Kisses chapter 12 . 1/31/2010
Ahahah! I love Thea and Lexie! As a pair, they're insane!
Devilish Kisses chapter 11 . 1/31/2010
I think we all have friends like Camilla. I have one too. She would also pretend to be your friend, then stab you in the back. She thinks all the guys in our grade have a crush on her, when in reality they enjoy talking about her behind her back. She thinks she' the "golden girl" of the school.
Devilish Kisses chapter 5 . 1/30/2010
Oh my god!
lovebookz chapter 14 . 1/28/2010
hey really like your story nad wanted to know if u are going to continue to update
Kala chapter 14 . 12/2/2009
hurry and make a new chapter, it has been months and my choice in books is quickly diminishing please!
esssjay chapter 14 . 11/10/2009
i'm so glad you decided to write this sequel. it's not too often that i beg a writer for a sequel to their story, coz usually im mostly satisfied with the way they concluded the story. having said that, if i hadn't already known that 'a quick bites' had a sequel, i most definitely would've asked for one. i could see so much potential in a story about lexie and alexandro's future, and i was right. you've also most definitely fleshed quite a lot of it out in this story so far, so i'm absolutely loving it.

before i forget, i really want to point out a few plot inconsistencies that bother me. one was early on, lexie said that she hadn't known about pepper spray being illegal in england. but if i recall correctly, in 'a quick bites' lexie says that she had to order pepper spray online coz it's illegal in england. i thought that should be corrected.

argh there was another one, but i just can't seem to remember. damn i should've written it down. don't worry. i'll probably end up re-reading this story when the next chapter comes out, so i'll let you know later on..

again, loving your writing style and structure. although it may be tiresome in some stories, it definitely isn't the case for this one. and like i said in my review for 'a quick bite', i was easily able to determine the various plot developments that you were holding out on; like who thierry's boss was. i knew right from the start that it was maria. same with the ghouls being the disappearing vampires. but you still managed to draw the suspense and i was reading each chapter religiously. this is part of the reason why i hate reading stories that are still in progress. i can't stand the wait ! i'm definitely curious about how things are going to turn out. i have a hundred theories churning around in my mind.

by the way, that reminds me...earlier on in the story you brought up how lexie is in a position of influence being the king's consort. is that going to be readdressed later; like put to the test ? i hope so and i'm assuming yes, particularly because it seems as though you've been building it up, as you did when thea said that alexandro would listen to whatever lexie says so it's technically her ruling over all the vampires of england... also, i found it interesting that you brought up the pregnancy thing but didn't make lexie become pregnant. although i completely understand why, i think it'd be a good way to end the story. predictable, but definitely appropriate.

i can see that in this story, you've got the entire plot set out and you're progressively working up to the climax. i like that you've made the effort to think it up beforehand and that there's planning involved. i love reading stories of writers who are like this coz it shows just how much you're committed to writing and to the story. don't get me wrong though, i definitely understand that obviously, the actual writing is spontaneous and inspired, and minor details are obviously constructed on the spot.

either way this story is brilliant. i can't wait to see how things pan out. on that note, how many chapters do you expect that this story will be ? and do you update on a regular basis or is it just whenever the next chapter gets done ? (i know some run on a schedule...)

thanks for posting this. i'm eagerly awaiting the next update. looking forward to what's to comee.

JZK chapter 14 . 10/4/2009
I knew it was her! I cant wait to read more. i hate the suspence. hopefully alejandro wont go back to that cow.
Andromeda Kaine chapter 14 . 9/5/2009
Whoa this a cliffhanger ending?
Shairah Ellis chapter 14 . 8/22/2009
Wow! I was beginning to wonder when Alejandro's life would come back to haunt him again. I seriously believe that u should continue this story, and dont just tell me "i'm working on it" or "my internet is down". Its been almost a month since u have last updated so any of those phrases would be horrible excuses for excuses. But if u say u dont have any ideas for another chapter, then that i can understand. Just say the word if u need any help,k?



Never Regret,

Ocean Stone
D. B. Shell chapter 14 . 8/15/2009
please please please update! u cant do that kind of cliffhanger and not! i will literally beg if i have to...
Lady of Confusion chapter 14 . 8/11/2009
holy cow! UPDATE ASAP!
readaholicxxx chapter 14 . 8/7/2009
arggh! I've been waiting ages to read this chapter-the internet wasn't working and I have to say it was well worth the wait!

Well done

Can't wait for more
sappyromancelvr chapter 14 . 8/5/2009
oh Jesus.

This story is really depressing. :/

but yet i keep reading...

Update soon!
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