Reviews for Complete Strangers
dancrchick chapter 1 . 7/20/2007
very nice loved the story... it was beautifully written and i am suprised that it has as few reviews right now as it does! Wonderful job.
Vrotz chapter 1 . 7/11/2007
I'm simply in awe. This is one of the most original one-shots I've read so far, along with "Eulogies and Post-It notes can change the world!"

This story is SO going in my favorites!
jukeboxsabotage chapter 1 . 7/10/2007
setting aside the fact that i knew what the ending would turn out to be, this turned my insides to mush nevertheless. i love good old happy endings. and i love the whole fairytale-Cinderella turn to this. good job!
Lady Knight 1512 chapter 1 . 7/5/2007
47 PAGES! OMG. That must have taken a lot out of you. But it was SO worth it. It was, absolutley brilliant. Honestly one of the best stories i've ever read, even if it DID take me the better part of an hour to get through. I just couldn't get enough of Jack, and Mandy's situation had me in tears. You have an amazing talent. I hope you continue making good use of it.

ihrtbks chapter 1 . 6/29/2007
THIS WAS ADORABLE! Would you be terribly offended if I told you Micah reminds me a lot of the mice out of Disney's Cinderella? I'm not trying to suggest anything, but he does a little, but I love Cinderella! I like how you started out with 'hate mail' and then proceeded to IM and then to an actual face-to-face conversation. It didn't seem rushed or dragged.

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