Reviews for You're The One I Want chapter 22 . 8/15/2008
WAH! you killed her! so sad

but it was really sweet...

in my opinioni don't like how sad endings end the story

BUT it was really well-written

it was awesome

btw, that Edward is a real asshole

i feel so sorry for Emma :(
XxTheSoNotMainStreamxX chapter 22 . 4/5/2008

That's so sad!


I can't believe u killed her.



I Feel sorta hate-ful to Edward though.

God he can be a bastard!
xjennnny chapter 22 . 3/26/2008
such a cute yet sad sotry illoveit
Elizabeth07 chapter 22 . 11/15/2007
I liked the story, but, had a few complaints.. Just little ones.. Your misspellings sometimes made it hard for me to read... But, otherwise, I loved it alot!.. I also wondered about the character, Lucas, Edward had said in his mind that Lucas saw Emma as more than a friend.. But, you never clarified later whether he ever did.. I thought at one time that maybe Emma would chose neither brother and go for Lucas instead, because he seemed level headed and genuinely cared for her. Anywho.. Thanks for hearing me ramble.
blackcloud1986 chapter 22 . 11/3/2007
OMG that was so sad i cryed i felt my hart breake but it was really really good
pinkfluffyoranges chapter 22 . 10/30/2007
Wow this story was deep, real deep. I thought it would be a lighthearted bit of fluff, boy was I wrong. But it was an amazing read, and I'm glad I stumbled upon it. You did a brilliant job, and I hope to read more from you in the future.
Sarah-Ray chapter 22 . 9/30/2007
This story actually made me cry..

It's fantastic. I can't even describe it.


You're an awesome writer.

You and your story should go on my favorite.
TheQuilAndInk chapter 22 . 9/10/2007
Holy crap i'm crying right now because that was so emotional

I wasn't expecting that wow wow wow

oh my that was so sad

it was truly amazing great job

Catherine chapter 22 . 9/9/2007
AH no i didnt want emma to sad -cries like a maniac- (
Halani chapter 22 . 9/9/2007
Oh my gosh! That was soo sad! The ending was great, but still sad where she died. . . Wow is all I can say. Congrats on a great story filled with much emotion.
TheQuilAndInk chapter 21 . 8/23/2007
wow Congrats on finishing the story it was Awesome

totally amazing sad, captivating, happy, emotions all over the place, real good stuff :]

So i'm guessing you might be making another story with edward's life because he left or continue this story because it had a great ending hah she's a blond but i feel like you could definitely continue if you want to just a thought:]

Anyways great job

can't to read your new stuff
Halani chapter 21 . 8/22/2007
Aww what a good ending!

Although I kind of feel bad about Edward finding Emma in that situation...

BUT, I feel happy about Emma and Evan! D Awesome, awesome awesome!

You did a really great job and deserve a round of applause *sounds of applause* Congrats! Ooh, now I may read some of your other stories... I dunno, maybe! Anyway, Congrats on the big finale!

D Halani
SuperCUTEJensen chapter 21 . 8/22/2007
yay they finally got toehter...I'm happy...your story is great...i love it
TheQuilAndInk chapter 20 . 8/20/2007
wow wow wow this chapter is amazing so deep


I really hope she decides to be with evan she loved him all along please update soon dang those cliff hangars :]
SuperCUTEJensen chapter 20 . 8/19/2007
poor emma..i hope she pick Evan..I dont like Edward he's jerk..I want to see Emma and Evan get together in the end
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