Reviews for Ceness of Gruffydd
DoctorDanielle chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
Sometimes I come back to this story just to see what's happening, even though Fiction Press' time has seems to have passed I really enjoyed this story and would love to read it from start to finish.
bob chapter 1 . 11/7/2013
how can u make a story with only 69 words
AlijaS117 chapter 14 . 8/21/2011
I really loved this story please update soon!
cuteangel21 chapter 15 . 3/1/2011
your story is awesome don't listen to the criticism just do what you loved. I loved your story I think you should keep going please and post soon PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE this is the best story I have read so far. LOVE IT!
The Weatherwitch chapter 14 . 5/23/2010

this is AWESOME! :D

i LOVE it!

please please please update soon?
update chapter 15 . 4/16/2010
i love this story it's like the perfect balance of romance and fantasy :)
geminibaby6789 chapter 15 . 4/10/2010
Thanks for the fantastic story so far! I can't wait to find our the mysterious past of Ceness and the relationship she has with the guy. You're doing great so far! Keep up the good work! Update soon! :)
barelyamiable chapter 14 . 4/1/2010
An explanation of Taranis is hopefully to come. And oh, that forest sounds nasty. Mahil is interesting, though, if nothing else. Wonderful chapter! :)
Buhbyesuckers chapter 15 . 4/1/2010
*sigh* You're good, really really good! And with dragons in!

Yeah i was thinking the same, how Remus fell in love with her, when they didn't that much at all, and what about the other woman, Guinevere? The one that hates Ceness coz she married Remus? And there was talk of a baby, is between her and Remus? Damn her! *cough*bitch*cough*

Anyway i hope you continue your updates, and yeah just update.
x-kit-x chapter 13 . 3/29/2010
Yay for finally updating. I'm a bit confused about the change with the Dragons but hopefully it'll be be clear soon, can't wait to read 14.
I Can Breathe chapter 13 . 3/29/2010
I really love this story. I'm not a fan of fantasy but this story is different, it doesn't seem overly packed and the pace is perfect. I didn't expect Lily to be a spy, it was a nice surprise.
Buhbyesuckers chapter 13 . 3/29/2010
Wow! Cool story! And dragons! I never see enough stories with dragons in them. Well not good dragons anyway, they always seem to be the evil type...

I'm glad you haven't got rid of it for publishing yet, I'm looking forward to the next story!
XxSiennaxX chapter 13 . 3/29/2010
Thank-you for updating again.

I absolutely loved the chapter and I hope she's able to tell Remus everything as soon as possible. Can't wait for the next chapter, I hope your beta manages to get through editing it quickly.

I don't think you should discard the idea of publishing this story completely, it definitely seems unique enough, well-written enough and deserves to be published, as much as I hate to say it because I really would like it left up here so I can read more. ;D

Perhaps once you finish the story you could decide if you thought you were happy enough with how the whole story progressed to publish it but I believe it has great potential so far and you should keep your mind open to publishing
xSuperNovax chapter 13 . 3/29/2010

This is quite good

You've got a good plot from what I can tell and the characters have a real personality

Pretty please with chocolate mudcake on top update (you do like chocolate? right?)

Breanna ;)
LittleMissSmiles chapter 13 . 3/28/2010
Love it, definitly one of my favourite. Keep the updates coming! :D
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