Reviews for Jack Olsen: Private Investigator
AdriannaRomantica chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
That was quite a sexy short story. I really liked that you broke it down into short parts, rather than keep it as one extension. It was really interesting, and I rather enjoyed reading it. I liked how in the end, Brett's true character showed: he was quite the little sex fiend. haha

Anyways, thanks for sharing!
Kurami Elric xD chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
This was absolutely amazng. I havent been part of the FictionPress world for long..I have always been that FanFiction kind of person.

But I have read quite a lot. And this has to be the best thing I have read.

It was funny, cute, hot..just everything want in a story.

It was hilarious to tell you the truth. I needed a good laugh after a shitty day at school. Uhg, high school. Horrid little place it is.

My favourite part of school would be art. Because I'm a little artsy person. xP

God... get off track to easily. Anyway. When Jack was dumped for his alter-ego, that made me laugh. It was perfect. xD I love you, I love you.

julliette chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
loved it sweet
jaskolka chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
I enjoyed this story so much! It was a fun, light read with entertaining characters and heaps of UST. I would love to see its longer version but even now it left me with a broad smile. Oh, and I simply adored Jack. Brains, beauty and wicked sense of humour - what more can you ask for?
Shjsj7732 chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
This was super fun to read. I enjoy how, while it was a similar idea to Never Been Kissed, it was unique and interesting. I really like Jack's personality. It's very fun and quirky. Kudos!
Raaawr Ima Dinosaur chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
Haha this was epic. Great job! :D
NightDayEndBegin chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
Oh awesome writer, did I love it. It was amazing. And Jack was such a believable character. He was really well balanced. And for some reason I really liked his cat. I don't know why. Jack was really cute when he was Ben by the way. I laughed during the Ben parts. Anyway, amazing job! Thanks for the great read. Keep writing.
VulcanC chapter 1 . 10/15/2011
This was really good. I really liked it. I kind of have this ... thing about slash, I think it's wonderful, though I'm pretty sure I'm not gay, maybe I'm bi, anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I can't seem to find any good stories that will hold my attention so this was a pleasent surprise.
Insane Limericks chapter 1 . 8/17/2011
I love the opening sentence. It's also hilarious how Brett dumps Jack for his alter ego. Ahaha! This story was entertaining.
Fumiki chapter 1 . 5/9/2011
That's totally hot and interesting :P

I like the idea. And I like Jack... Ben... Whatever.

Good job!
i-wish-i-had-wings chapter 1 . 11/11/2010
teehee, this was so sweet ) i loved that he was dumped for his "younger" self xD
Junjou-Angel chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
.god! this story is AMAZING!


i must say one of my favourites EVER!

and that last lemon was so frikking HOT!
lost in pale blue chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
This was really cute. Although, for most of the fic I liked the Ben persona better than Jack :D Makes no sense, but there you go.
purplehost chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
I'm going to totally be a slacker writing this review. I thought this was funny, although somewhat unrealistic. I liked it, but probably wouldn't read it again, simply because I don't make a habit of reading things twice.
allancaldera chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
i love this story my 2 favorite
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