Reviews for Back To The Top
mihaela chapter 1 . 7/31/2010
i realy like to read your stories,i cannot find the link to your e-mail,i bought the first story back in february from and i would like to read the rest of your stories
IceButterflyXIII chapter 1 . 4/10/2010
This is a good story idea that I would like to see the rest of, but it seems that you won't be returning to this story or your other ones. :( From what I read I'd love for you to continue them if you plan on coming back.
MintCcIceCream chapter 26 . 1/16/2010
Aww! The most gorgeous sweet ending in the history of story endings! I really really loved this story! I wasn't able to read Phone Calls before you took it off FP, but I think I caught on for the most part and I really really loved this anyway! Good luck writing and with life and everything! LOVE THE STORY!


sandysnape chapter 22 . 1/10/2010
Hi I really liked your stories. I recently bought back to the top and phone call from a rock star on Lulu. I really liked how you gave more emphasis to Jake's character but I found that the people were now too well behaved, too responsible compared to the original stories. For me that made them a little less realistic but I still enjoyed reading the stories. I look forward to reading anything you write and I think you are an amazong writer.
Jinxed Rogue chapter 26 . 10/30/2009
This was a good happily ever after! Thanks for sharing.
Jinxed Rogue chapter 15 . 10/29/2009
I think it's nice to see Isabella fighting back. She was too squirmy in the beginning.
Jinxed Rogue chapter 10 . 10/29/2009
Again, I like your stories... but I think you really need to pace the plots a bit better, you need to build them up more rather than having lots of filler and quick one-two big actions that don't necessarily go very far. I also think Iz's parents' reactions are done too simply to cater to her, people's opinions don't fall in line that quickly.

Also you need to work on your secondary characters, you don't need to go super in-depth but demonstrating them a bit more, rather than mentioning them will put them in better form. Brad ought to more dimensions than a caricature of an abusive husband.

The only reason I'm even mentioning it is because I think that it's sweet and delightful series.

Thanks for listening to what I had to say! If you want me to lay off the heavy criticism, you're totally within your rights to say so too. I just wanted to be helpful.
Jinxed Rogue chapter 6 . 10/29/2009
How could Iz marry someone like that? Especially after Lance? Oh, and I feel this coming to blows between Jake and Brad.
Jinxed Rogue chapter 2 . 10/29/2009
OK, I started this story late at night and now I won't sleep until I find out what happened to Iz and Jake! Darn you!
bjl23 chapter 26 . 10/14/2009
Love Jake and Iz's story, I downloaded Jake's version of events on Lulu and love that too! Great work!
Sapphyre Nymph chapter 26 . 10/5/2009
loved it...

it ended perferctly... :)
ani-chi chapter 1 . 10/1/2009
OMG i love your Phone Calls from a rockstar series! keep up the good work! D
smurf-love chapter 26 . 9/15/2009
aw thats so sweet!

AndItMovesUsAll chapter 25 . 9/12/2009
I love this one so much, and that ending with the baby was beautiful, i loved it, although i was having trouble with the last few chapters before that, i think it was in between when brad says the babys his, and the wedding, i just felt that their was a loll in action and i know it cant be action all the time but that last bit dragged for me, mabye because it seemed like most things had been resolved but there was still 7 or so chapters to go. I dont think i had that problem the first time i read this though, but i now thing a great thing about this book it the unpredictability you get when when you read it fort eh first time, becasue i remember going straight from phone calls the this and being completetly shocked and upset lol :L that they werent together anymore, adn was hooked to see what happend. Of course i still enjoyed reading it again, especially to see everyone with their new lives, relationships and families.
itsVKEE chapter 11 . 9/12/2009
wait. who's jenny? im SO confused. or maybe i forgot the first story XD
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