Reviews for The Art of Breaking Up
Wonwordful chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
Yes that "bitch" definitely stole his line and boy am I glad she did! What a clever piece, I tip my imaginary hat off to you :-)
Zlen chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
You are quite the expert on breaking up,aren't you?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16/2014
haha thats soo good, so true as well, next thing she knows he will be trying with all his might to get back together with her! Cannot count the amount of times this has happened to me with one of those cocky,arrogant rich boys...
On a happier note really good story and love your writing style, congrats!
InsaneAuthor44 chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
Do NOT call this crap! Do you know how hard I laughed at the end? Ahh, I love these stories. Well, I didn't find any grammar mistakes, though I wasn't really looking, and I think it flows rather well. Keep it up!
elma chapter 1 . 2/4/2011
That was pretty funny :D

I'm glad you put it on here!
WishBlade chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
Hahaha, totally pwned! I absolutely loved this xD
Jichi-chan chapter 1 . 5/9/2010
Truthfully speaking I did find your work interesting. Yes, it's humorous but somehow let's see... insulting?

Nobody is perfect like you expect us to be. We're not some gods that makes a story marvelous. Everyone makes mistakes. I mean, how do you learn without learning first your own mistakes. We came in this website in order to learn about things and to show our ideas not to be laughed at and be called people with mental diseases.

If you hate some work then find something else to read not point out every damn mistakes they made. They're not perfect. Yes, some of them may be horrible but come on have some feelings! They're not perfect. But, at least they put their hearts in it. They put their souls in making a story. To have the guts to show their work to the world without any single care if it may be horrible.

And here you are destroying their dreams thinking that you're some Mr. Perfect that makes everything wonderful. Well, guess what? Since you oh-so-love the damn truth, you're not making things better you're hurting people with those words. In fact I've read your work and they're not that perfect to me.

We did not make our stories to be humiliated. I know to some people this may find funny and enjoying but think about how much you've hurt people with your work? You have a talent in writing (or so you say) but you have no right to say you're better and than others?

Go to the library or some damn book store because there you'll find the ones you've searching than complain like some spoiled brat that you're better than them and that you're perfect. I bet you'll find it more enjoyable than this website. Besides, I only see you here in this website as a rude person who thinks he's God and that he has the right to go in here and humiliate some people.

And I know you might delete it because it may be insulting but think about it. You have done a lot more insulting things than I did to you. You've hurt countless of writers here with your selfishness just because you expect us to be some perfect beings like you are. Oops, sorry if I might have hurt his highness because I'm not perfect like he is.
x Farii chapter 1 . 5/4/2010


LOVED this :P
Sendako chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
emerald chapter 1 . 4/24/2008
Haha, that was hilarious, loved it!
Bellanyx chapter 1 . 12/2/2007
This is rather adorable. It almost reminds me a bit of American Psycho with how much this guy builds himself up in his mind.

Keep Writing!
Enigmatic Night chapter 1 . 11/9/2007
Ooh snap!



Loved it.
dead.disco.doll chapter 1 . 11/8/2007
haha i love the last line.

this is... original. and funny.

yay for goodness on your part!

Another Lone Stranger chapter 1 . 10/26/2007
lmao. haha hilarious ]


arohalove chapter 1 . 10/23/2007
That was awesome! I love it!
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