Reviews for Fat Is Not The End |
Sarah-Ray chapter 7 . 10/26/2007 I agree with Lola about following trends thingy sweet chapter :D |
Sarah-Ray chapter 5 . 10/26/2007 so he's her crush? awesome. :D |
Sarah-Ray chapter 3 . 10/26/2007 absolutely loved it! |
Sarah-Ray chapter 2 . 10/26/2007 short but wonderfull chapter.. |
Sarah-Ray chapter 1 . 10/26/2007 That was really good, I liked it.. |
panicccgoodbye chapter 9 . 10/5/2007 excellent chapter! i loved it. i can't wait to read more! |
Frenchyesca chapter 9 . 9/24/2007 I like, update son! Oh and the hunger pangs thing should die. |
a. k. ashford chapter 9 . 9/24/2007 Must peer pressure be so unkind to Eric? xD Maroon 5 rocks, but I'm not really a huge fan though. |
EverDream01 chapter 9 . 9/23/2007 aw, I really like this story. I really like your main character, and you don't really see big girls in romance stories. I hope she doesn't develop an eating disorder or anything. Either way, she sounds like a character most girls can relate to. I know that I feel fat and ugly most days. D: I can't wait to see how thing between Lola and Eric turn out. Keep writing! |
MK16 chapter 9 . 9/22/2007 AWW! yay! they share common interest! being Maroon 5! -happy dance- They would be so cute together! have i said that before? oh well! i'll say it again if so! XD haha keep the awsome work up! loving it XD ~RL~ |
MK16 chapter 8 . 9/19/2007 You rock! yay! haha XD i just love this story, it can be like so totally relatable! Oh god, i just sounded really preppy for a sec there! lol P ANWAYS! i know how she feels… when i look through magazines and articles that have really thin models in them, im like "urgh! i wish i could look like that. I wish I could be that skinny!" which is sort of ironic, because I’m pretty sure most of them are anorexic to the MAX! BUT YOU ABSODUTELDY HAVIE HAVE TO UPDATE SOON! XD Hehe keep it up! ~RL~ |
Frenchyesca chapter 8 . 9/18/2007 Butterfinger. So it's like...a chocolate bar mixed with ice cream. So healthy! Anyway,like I've ALWAYS been saying, this story is just so relatable to me. Keep on goiin', or truckin' whatever. |
panicccgoodbye chapter 8 . 9/18/2007 dun dun dun! i would first like to point out that i weigh like the same as lola and i'm 5'3 and i don't look fat. [then again, i have weight in other areas of my body & it's not all belly] & I know how lola feels though, there are days where i look at myself and i'm like, "UGH." can't wait fot the next chapter. |
Maibe Josie chapter 8 . 9/18/2007 It seems kind of random that Lola would suddenly decide not to eat. I mean that's something you think about in the back of your head that beats itself into you until you don't want to it. It's almost generic and cliche to give her an eating disorder, or to make her just stop eating. Did you think of taking a different route with it? Like get her addicted to working out, energy drinks, or diet pills or something. It's taking the route less traveled, and you already have an interesting character, an interesting plot, and plenty of potential to do something different and awesome don't cliche-out mj |
Frenchyesca chapter 7 . 9/17/2007 Great chapter! My toes are cold. And my fingers. All freaking day. I don't know why I told you that, but if it explains anything I just had some ice cream. |