Reviews for Soul Survivor
Sarah chapter 7 . 8/18/2007
Well, naturally, that was amazing! I didn't realize the empty spot on the wall was for the souls until like the last sentance...where do you get these ideas? There were some repetitive words I found kind of annoying (you know me with my little OCD issues) but I sure got shivers when Frankie went through the window. Lovely!
Heron-Marked Sword chapter 7 . 8/18/2007
Really amazing! When I took a look at that picture out of curiosity, I gotta tell you that I never would have been able to create such a compelling, and more than a little creepy story. It was really well thought out, and the fact that water was what they had to use was so creative. I even had a 'duh!' moment when Rosalie revealed herself for what she was. Great great great. Thanks for sharing it!
Heron-Marked Sword chapter 1 . 8/18/2007
Interesting to read something based off of an illustration. The writing is very well done, with lots of reasonably subtle foreshadowing. It appears to be set up to be quite frightening at some point, and I have to say, I really liked your use of the word 'claustrophobic' to describe the tower. I noticed three typos, just in case you do have time to fix them:

"grayer, faster than go right ahead" than then

"ceiling inside peaked wear the old fan hung" wear where

"I couldn’t suppress my surprised when" surprise?

Anyway, I quite enjoyed reading it, so I will stop jabbering and move on to chapter two, because I just have to know why her room is so scary!