Reviews for Imperfection
QuothTheWren chapter 1 . 12/9/2008
If I weren't afraid of using clichés in reviews, I'd say reading this story made my day. Well written, interesting, and enough to make me want to read more. Brilliant job!
Frosted Midnight chapter 1 . 9/29/2007
so...fluffy..*twitches* have no musical knowledge what so ever...this could be potentaly entertaining...and fyi...the readers...they know this...muahaha
kswriter chapter 1 . 9/25/2007
oh this story sounds very interesting. hope you update soon!
Melladonna chapter 1 . 8/29/2007
Another piece of work from you. I definitely will be reading this in the future. I also wrote a new story that's hetero pairings completely. If you want to check it out, it's called Synthetic Emotions. I'll be updating To Wish Upon the Sea soon, probably by the end of the week. I just have this long-ass chapter of 13 pages to type on for another story. It's been eating up my typing time for my other works.
Konnichiwa Minna chapter 1 . 8/28/2007
Well, your story is the first story I've read on FictionPress, and I really liked it. So I registered. Your story reminds me of Kare Kano, so I'm interested to see what you write. I clicked on your story because it was short and I wanted to see what FictionPress stories are like, so feel proud, because I registered because of your story! Anyway, please update!
RedLady chapter 1 . 8/27/2007
That was so cute! _-_

I can see it in my head like a manga. I like reading other manga stories for ideas and to see all the types of names. Since I'm not Japanese, I have to go elsewhere to see what types of names are Japanese.

Good job. I can't wait to read more.