Reviews for Book 2: Heirs of Who?
OneAndOnly1 chapter 18 . 12/17/2012
Can you pleaaaaaaaaaase finish this story!?
Black Angel Writer chapter 18 . 5/21/2011
HI! May i ask you one thing, in the end will she be with Roido or Enick. I'd rather her be with Enick, don't ask my reasons... joking... he's just so cute in a dark way, i think they'd be a perfect match. But anyway, i love the way you write it's hilarious! So, thanks for this and continue writing on!
Black Angel Writer chapter 5 . 5/17/2011
I really like the way you write! I love your first book and sorry for not reviewing my internet sucks... So thanks for these wonderful books, can't wait untill you're done with the sequel!
bridgettblah chapter 18 . 4/14/2011
Heh. So, umm, Wow. Sorry bout never reviewing, Im lazy. Until theres no more chapters. Hehe. I stayed up for two whole days finishing this xD Honestly, Im hooked. I have to say, I started out skeptical. I wasnt sure I was down for the whole "Childish, hyper demon' That is Roido, but now, I absolutely love it. Also, your writing has improved from the last book. Heres a suggestion: Make teh first book like, two. Or at least two parts or something. It was kinda long. Not that I mind or anything, I was just a lot to read. Maybe have the first part be them finind all the heirs, and the second be everything that happened afterward? I dunno, your choice. Haha. So yea. I have to say, my favorite of the two is Roido xD I love 'em both, but I want Emma and Roido to get together.
There's-A-Star-In-My-Hand chapter 17 . 2/23/2011
i actually bum off this story
There's-A-Star-In-My-Hand chapter 18 . 2/23/2011
please oh please please! carry on wwriting this story! it is realy good! i am so addictedd! please write moree

love you x
jessiblaze7 chapter 18 . 11/16/2010
This was amazing! I really hope you update soon (:
hopey93 chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
hello :) im 13 and

i LOVE your heirs of who stories ! they are really good and roidos charactor is amzazing (i love him) please finesh book 2 im dying to know what happens! i hope roido and emma get married hehe x
ChimericalWrites chapter 18 . 8/28/2010
YAY! loved the new chapters, thanks for posting *hugs*.
ChimericalWrites chapter 10 . 8/15/2010
I really like this story. Its awesome, however you leave me with a dilema that you have yet to update in the last two years so yeah, you should keep writing, cuz i want to know what happens. Please?
totellalie chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
I have to honestly say I LOVED Heirs of Who & when i found out that there was a book 2 i was extremely happy.

I found your characters unique in a way.

Please can you finish book 2 I'm seriously anxious to read it!
xNadiiLiciious chapter 10 . 2/10/2010
please write the next chapter! The sequel is awesome too!
raped by a female bunni chapter 10 . 2/17/2009
um... all i can seem to think about is my poor roido and how hes suffering...

gah i jus wanna shoot enick!*bang bang pew pew!*
raped by a female bunni chapter 6 . 2/16/2009
no! my poor roido is crying make it stop!
Michiko Designs chapter 5 . 1/19/2009
I decided to write this, which happens to be my first review on FictionPress, so you wouldn't intentionally prolong updating chapters for Book 2: Heirs of Who. I must say that I find your story truly amusing. When I first began reading it though I was a bit confused at your style of writing, but I eventually got used to it and really started to enjoy your sense of humor, which reminds me of Monty Python (And the Holy Grail) and The Office (The TV show). I think your characters and the situations you create are hilarious! The way you phrase things, in that 'straight-forward yet casual' style makes the oddity of what is being said/done even more pronounced. The personality of your characters are also fun and pretty refreshing. However, there are times when I would have liked more description of the settings and appearance of the characters. I like to picture the story in my mind, as I'm sure most readers do, but it's difficult when I don't have a strong grasp of the situation. Overall, I like that the plot is fairly light-hearted (Even the serious situations are resolved fairly comfortably) and yet I am still pulled into the emotions of the characters. You have successfully integrated all my favorite things into your story: romance, suspense, humor, and tragedy. Thank you for your work and I look forward to more of it!

By the way, I find it a bit odd that you write the characters thoughts in bold instead of italics. But that is just because that is how I'm used to seeing it.
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