Reviews for Jonnie the Girl
saportaaa chapter 14 . 7/21/2015
SO SO SO in love! Upset that I am barely reading this for the first time - wish it could last forever.
Blackcatfrodo chapter 1 . 7/2/2015
I'm so excited to hear this is becoming a video series! Can't wait to see the episodes!
I was thrilled to get an alert for another chapter of What If? And decided to come read Jonnie the Girl again for the millionth time since I hadn't for awhile and heard the good news. Love the story and all the characters. I hope you're still uploading the chapters here! But I guess I could always go run and get it on amazon (:
Congrats and I can't wait to see more!
Guest chapter 13 . 7/1/2015
Hey! I absolutely love this book of yours and tend to come back to reread stories I love on here from time to time...and it sucked to see yours gone. Sadly, I can't afford to just buy the eBook for every book I love on here as of now. :( Please update...or do let me know if there's any way to get access to the whole story. You're an exceptional author. ;) Contact me at mnarvaak gmail
The Turophile chapter 13 . 6/29/2015
Oh no, why was Jonah badmouthing Ryder? I think he really is jealous of Ryder! And wow, man, I'm starting to like Ryder even more than before! He was so calm about the whole thing! Although that could have been because he didn't have anything to say to defend himself :( I'm hoping it's not that and it's just because Ryder is a good guy that he didn't snap at Jonah for badmouthing him! Anyway great chapter as always and I really hope that Jonnie will end up with Ryder! I saw the cast for all 5 boys by the way and it looks awesome!
Guest chapter 13 . 6/20/2015
Can I just say I love this story! Hope things are going well with the mini-series
KimberleyStrawberryMacarons chapter 13 . 6/19/2015
way hey...whats gonna happen...?
please update soon! :D
The Turophile chapter 12 . 5/25/2015
Ahhh! She ruined it! :'( It was going so well - Ryder was holding her, after being amazingly sweet towards her, and they were having such a cute moment, but then Jonnie had to mention Jonah! Why?! D': Poor Ryder! I really want Ryder and Jonnie to be together now! Ryder deserves to get Jonnie if he wants her - she can't break his heart and leave him for Jonah :( And will Ryder die at the end? Please say no. (I think I mentioned this in a review earlier, but I read one of your short spin-offs to this story, and I thought you wrote something "Ryder's funeral" in the story. Of course, I closed that story straight away in case of any more spoilers, but I can't take back what I think I read. I'm just hoping that it didn't say that and I either I misread it, or I misinterpreted, because RYDER CAN'T DIE T_T He and Jonnie are perfect for each other!) On a happier note, awesome! You got your cast for the Jonnie production! This is great! I can't wait to see what they look like :) Please update soon! I can't wait for more!
Pandabearisnotabear chapter 12 . 5/20/2015
I love the story! But you should update more often! Please do so!

Berni :)
KimberleyStrawberryMacarons chapter 12 . 5/20/2015
Guest chapter 12 . 5/20/2015
I just love Ryder! I hope they end up together! 3
TicoTaco chapter 11 . 4/21/2015
Alright ! Congrats for casting most of tge characters -if not all- already *thumbs up*
thanks for inserting spaces you've no idea how much better that was to me .
Can't wait for the web series ! so keep up the good work !
I'm confused at the moment does she still feel something for Jonah or is it platonic now ?
objectinmotion chapter 11 . 4/19/2015
I hope you get more pledges on kickstarter! I am sadly unable to donate but this sounds like a totally great idea and I really hope it works out! Can't wait to see the rest of the story and the miniseries!
The Turophile chapter 11 . 4/18/2015
Oooh, so Ryder knows about her liking for Jonah? Hmmm... Interesting. And he made Jonah jealous of course :D but I like Ryder and Jonnie! Although, I just realised, Jonah and Jonnie has a really cool ring to it! Eh, at least with the pizza, Ryder has an excuse to spend more time with Jonnie, but it doesn't sound like he thinks of Jonnie as more than a friend yet :/ And... Well, I still really really want Ryder and Jonnie together!
Anyway, great writing as usual!
Sasha chapter 11 . 4/18/2015
So Ryder actually planned it all along then?! whats gonna happen with April and Danny? Cant wait 4 the next chapter! please udate soon! :D
The Turophile chapter 10 . 4/17/2015
Ahhh, this is perfection! That chapter was an awesome blend of emotional, cute and funny, and I love Ryder! ... So, I accidentally read one of your other stories, and I didn't know it would spoil this for me, but I think I might have read something along the lines of... Ryder dying? Please tell me that's not what will happen! Ryder can't die... Right? I stopped reading that story, of course, when I read that but I can't stop thinking about it! I'm still clinging to the hope that he doesn't die! He's so sweet! And funny! And Jonah was jealous of him ;) But seriously, I like Ryder more than Jonah - don't kill him off :'(
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