Reviews for Souseiji
Inizuki chapter 2 . 9/9/2007
Oh, you're welcome!

Now that, seemed flawless to me! Glad you took my suggestion too. Well, very good!..okay GOOD doesnt sum it up, but if i went on rambling it would get boring. I look forward to reading the rest of this
Inizuki chapter 1 . 9/8/2007
It's concept is preety simple, though you managed to bring it into a widened, awsome, kickass concept. Which is VERY good. I itend on keeping watch on this, i wanna see how it turns out. Great job with details and such...and the end of chapter 1 made me laugh.

Btw, I dont know if "Iyasu" was her name, becausei thought it was Haruki, I'm guessing its some sort of japanese thing (because you seem to be into that) So just a suggestion ,if it is one, in the future, put an Author's note translating it, to make it more convient for readers who dont know japanese. I know some japanese myself, but I've never heard "Iyasu".

But all-in-all, awsome