Reviews for Love, Girl X
angels and effects chapter 1 . 9/9/2007
Beautiful. One word sums it all up. :) I love the way you never disclosed Girl X's name! This was too heart-warming for words, and oh so touching. (Ignoring the fact that Alex is such a hot guy's name, haha...) Aww, I think I smiled my head off at that last sentence. I give you props for being succinct AND emotional at the same time! Not many people can do it but you managed to pull it off, so woohoo, you earn my admiration. :)

By the way, you're doing Os this year! So am I! Although I wish I wasn't. Good luck for them, don't let them kick your ass. xD
crystal chapter 1 . 9/8/2007
hey! like i just said, i think your writing sort of matured! :D and seriously, i can never write like you do! do long stories! i really like to read ur long stories. yes, i actually followed your barbie and gaoxing story to the very end haha
cherrystraw chapter 1 . 9/7/2007
Oh my gosh! That was beautiful! I really enjoyed reading this!
gummybearmurder chapter 1 . 9/7/2007
I'll admit, I squealed at the end. :) Great job.
jadedXelement chapter 1 . 9/7/2007
wow. that was such a wonderfully written chapter. i semi thought girl x seemed stalkerish since she was so aware of his achievements but i couldnt help but feel like she cared deeply for him in her little notes. i'm interested to know more about her and also more about alex. i hope you update soon )
Georgianna chapter 1 . 9/7/2007
Oh, this was magical.

Its so vague, yet you can see it perfectly.

Is it a oneshot?
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