Reviews for The Cynic's Creed
shub chapter 2 . 2/23/2012
whats the girls name, i dont think its been mentioned in the story?
Usuicross chapter 12 . 2/17/2012
This is a story that has only one extraordinary thing in the girl's life.

Apart from that, it's about the normal life of a normal girl and her normal ramblings on life.

Yet, I have never read something so beautiful. So raw. So true and honest.

You are a truly amazing author.

The ending was perfect as well.

It's one of those stories that fills up your heart until the moment you're done reading it.

Thank you. For writing it.

InkedGirl chapter 12 . 1/16/2012
This is definitely one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read! I could connect with it so completely...Kasper and Cordelia were just amazing and you portrayed all of the supporting characters beautifully. This story was just so creative!
spc.silver chapter 12 . 1/4/2012
The first time I read this story was long, long ago and I have come back multiple times since then to read through it once more. This is a piece that I have fallen in love with, from the poems and prose, to the simple descriptions of experiences from the protagonist's thoughts. Her emotions while dealing with the sparrow are ones that I share. And the way that you laid out the last scene with Wingnut was inexplicably real. It's, for lack of a better term, raw. The characters in this story so easily express what takes some of us so long to come to terms with in our own lives. So kudos to you, for being able to create something like this.
SkyCastle10 chapter 12 . 7/24/2011
Oh my word. This is such an amazing story. Ordinary high schoolers, living ordinary lives, yet so real and raw and lovely. I love all the thoughts and ramblings and poems, and how Juliette's secret is never revealed, and how (although I may have just missed it) the main character is never named. The thrift shop lady, Mick, Lorris- I fell in love with every one of your characters. If this were ever published, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
Linnea7 chapter 12 . 7/6/2011
I love spontaneous photographs and honest writing. I felt that this was both spontaneous and honest, although highly philosophical. :) It's great to read about a relationship where the girl and the guy are real friends and there's a happy ending but it's even a little more complicated than that. It's realistic with pauses, and awkwardness at times and genuine, real thoughts.
TheSarcasticMonster chapter 12 . 2/28/2011
I adored this story. It was one of the few things I've ever read that made me feel like I wanted to change the world.

I don't know why but this reminded me of the movie "Into the Wild."

If you haven't wathched it, then you should because it's one of those movies that put things into perspective.

Did you ever give the narrator a name? If so I don't remember. I had hoped that at the end of the story, that Mick would have called the girl by her name instead of Cordelia.

Great Story.
Veronica chapter 12 . 2/9/2011
This story was really beautiful, thank you for making my day :)
Heise chapter 12 . 1/8/2011
This story left me fulfilled, hopeful, and happy.

I loved the ending. It was spot on. Like, the last sentence just hit home. It's like those movies that end at the climax with awesome background music playing and the screen goes black but you can still hear the music.

I loved the premise of this story and the way you executed it. It wasn't shoddily done- there were some wonderful themes here. Learning to be alive. Learning to hope, learning to love. Learning to speak! What wonderful themes! And I loved Kaspar's and Cordelia's poems. My favorites:

"anyone who leaves poetry in library books ... is not without hope" ,

"the one person who seems awake to me" ,

"I hope and hope and hope" ,

and the not-quite-a-poem-but-just-so-beautiful "butterfly stroke and gasp deep rich breaths~I want to live the lives of one hundred thousand people"

and Kaspar's "we all need a stranger".

I loved all your characters-Lorris, Nelly, Wingnut, and just ... everyone.

Great job. I loved this so freaking much. Hands down the best thing I've read this year so far. I'm reading Dostoyevsky and Oedipus the King so I guess this contrasts those darker, heavier works ... but still. This left me with a fuller feeling than reading about Oedipus. I really, really loved this. This is grossly underappreciated. But I really hope you get this published. I'm glad you have it here for people to read though.

By the way ... I'm not sure I caught the main character's name ... I feel embarrassed. She was named after a Hurricane? I'm looking at the list of Hurricane names before 20 ... they don't look familiar. e_e
Heise chapter 6 . 1/7/2011
This chapter is the best thing I've read this year

When reading about the check out lady at the thrift store, I wanted to cry. That ... passage was just so ... I dunno. It just hit somewhere vulnerable.

And then on top of that, you hit home run with the bird scene. That was just, perfect. It was perfect. I really did cry. Like, I cried really hard. I dunno why, it was so incredible. that passage about the small bird's weightlessness, inconsequential to gravity, it just made my heart burst. it was just so sad, so freaking beautiful. She's so sad. Her feelings remind me of mine. This is very romantic.

And then that passage about all the singing people in the same coffee shop, in the same world ... wow. This is breathtaking.

I don't like cynical, petulant main characters, I find them all to be just poorly crafted sarcastic frigid girls who are no fun at all ... but your main character is cynical and petulant on purpose. She makes sense. But cynicism still disappoints me. Please revive her idealism, Kasper. I'm rooting for her.

thanks for making me cry today. I felt alive.
Luv and Peace chapter 12 . 11/10/2010
I read this story yesterday and I honestly couldn't get it out of my head. Your poetry was beautiful and so relevant.

There was a moment there when I thought Galen may have been Kasper. It would have been interesting, even if Mick remained her love interest but Galen was the secret poet. But maybe thats the whole point, friendship and love are just labels we put on a relationship... it's all just a mix of things.

Anyway loved your story. I hope you keep writing and sharing your message with the world!
Abrasive chapter 12 . 9/30/2010
It's always commendable when I start a story absolutely loathing the protaganist only to adore them by the conclusion. I.e. you have brilliant skills of characterisation, and "Cordelia"'s development was brilliantly executed.

Your poetry was good but your prose was better, beautiful even. The characters were interesting and rounded, however, in future avoid describing characters by relating them to famous people, even if said famous person happens to be Bob Dylan's son.

That leads me to my only problem with your story: there was a lot of... wankerism. Constant inclusion of bands or artists isn't impressive or cool, it just strikes me as... yeah... wankish. :/ It feels like you're flaunting it and I can't stand reading that. Every time you name-dropped an indie artist or musician, I rolled my eyes. Also, doing this dates your writing - it puts it in a particular time frame from which it cannot transcend. Had you name-dropped more universally recognisable groups such as The Beatles it would have had a less narrowing effect.

Apart from that, it was wonderful, really.
Sasha Chickenwings chapter 12 . 9/28/2010
Harharhar. I'm so into poetry right now... I like the whole idea that it wasn't so dramatic, the story, I mean. It feels like it could actually happen in real life, you know? And that she didn't want to know who Kaspar is, I liked that too. :) Love it.
disappearing in the shadow chapter 12 . 9/19/2010
words can NOT describe how much i LOVED, RELATED to this story. seriously. this is one of the BEST stories on this site!(:

thank you SO MUCH for writing this
PaintedMyToes chapter 12 . 7/29/2010
This is about the 5th time I have read this story, and it really never ceases to amaze me. I can totally relate to everything the narrator is musing- the need to be individual and stand out, the feeling of being trapped in your life, and the way her own cynicism is blinding her and stopping her do what she really wants. Also, I love the way you write- the poems are beautiful and everything was written so eloquently that I literally felt that I was living and breathing the narrator's life, and that I was going through her journey with her. This has inspired me, and I am now ready to leave boringtown. Thank you ;]
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