Reviews for Elysium
Astridhe chapter 25 . 9/10/2014
First of all, thank you. I never get tired of reading this story even though it's unfinished. It captures the period so well and the characters are very much alive. Corinne in particular is so easy to love not only for her wit but for her courage. And I love the way it mirrors and then diverges from La Traviata, which is admittedly my favorite opera. The story is a beautiful piece of art.
Fiery Dancer chapter 25 . 11/2/2013
This story is tragic and beautiful all at the same time - you have to continue writing please! Literally couldn't stop reading this until the final chapter :D please update!
Zireael07 chapter 25 . 9/15/2011
I love the story. It is amazing! Will we see another chapter?
Writer Without Inspiration chapter 25 . 8/30/2011
Please update this story! I hope you haven't given up on it. It's been almost two years since I discovered it, and since then I've been checking your story every now and then. I really hope you'll finish it one day, although I can predict the end...
Julia chapter 21 . 1/15/2011
I beg of you, please update this story, because it is honestly the best I've read on fictionpress.

Though I understand that you must be busy with college.
Maeria chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
Utterly awed isn't enough to cap what I feel about your story. The only thing I'd change is lessen the references to the Lady of the Camellias a little - I love the book very much too, but there are a few homages that feel awkward, as well as repeating that the book was based on Alexander D. fils' very real relationship (mentioning it too often robs power from the well-placed Lady of the Camellias references). Otherwise, I'm awed. It was well-researched, and wonderfully built. Even if the tragic end is already heavily implied, the road to it is wondrous.
Bookstalker chapter 25 . 1/25/2010
Wow. This is an awesome story. I think I'm in love with Raoul and his taciturn-ness (if that's a word). I can only see this ending in tragedy, though, with Corinne's drug habit coming back...
Sophelia chapter 24 . 12/21/2009
Wow, it's been awhile. I had to go reread some of the chapters to catch up with what's going on. I have to say, I am completely amazed by how you manage to churn out such perfectly written chapters while being busy with schoolwork. It's unbelievable.

I had to go look up "Venus in Furs" on the Internet, since I am not at all familiar with the novel (or the Velvet Underground song, but I'm assuming that isn't what you're alluding to). I'm starting to wonder what kind of connections Raoul may have to that story (I haven't forgotten about the Alexis/Raphael identity crisis - but I'll try). In any case, happy holidays, V. This piece of work is amazing.
Writer Without Inspiration chapter 9 . 12/2/2009
Wonderful story, excellent style. Your story is one of the best I have read on Fiction Press, if not the best. I love the associations with Greek mythology. Fascinating, truly gripping story. I cannot wait for an update.
Casablanca Dreams chapter 24 . 9/24/2009
This is amazing! You have a really unique writing style-it's melancholy but beautiful at the same time. Not to mention Corrine and Raoul. I have to say, I hated Raoul for the longest time, but I'm starting to warm up to him. As for Corrine, I'm worried. She had the premonition that she wouldn't survive having Raoul's sons, but 'Pythia' says that she will have a daughter as beautiful as she. As for their marriage, what happens? They're so happy and in love, and they get married, they're still happy and in love, she meets Angelicus, she is no longer happy. Still in love, but it seems like something's missing with Corrine. It may be because of Raoul's perspective, but it's still a little bit unsettling.

Anyways, I hope you update soon! Though I can (sort of) understand your busy schedule, I'm still hoping you'll update soon.

PS: What I don't really understand is how this story doesn't have many reviews. It has such a good plot line, and well-developed characters, and it's just so GOOD! But I'm glad you're continuing with it even if you don't have much time!
sapphire chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
ok, so i would first of all want to tell you what a great writer you are. and i by all means, do not say it lightly. you are just, extremely talented. your way with words is just so flawless and beautiful and poetic.

corine and raoul. priceless characters.

and i would just like to say that, you deserve A MILLION reviews, not just the 90-something you did get. so don't let it stop you from writing. cause this story and your story-telling is just too geniune and rare to be lost.

your story should get published! you should win an award of some sort for Elysium.
Sabreal chapter 2 . 8/29/2009
oh, if only he knew...

Great story so far. I've been muddling through your big paragraphs and have emerged victorious :) You write well and thus the big paragraphs were a joy to read. Although it did make me squint a fair bit
L'Archange chapter 2 . 8/12/2009
wow, I LOVE your writing. It's so fresh (ironic, considering the language is old-fashioned. It really is refreshing to read this kind of quality - and your knowledge of history is admirable - it's genuinity is thirst-quenching.

I am falling in love with your story! Will definitely read on.

Oh, just one teeny, tiny thing: it's "mon amie" not "ma amie" - because "ma" ends in a vowel, it needs to be "mon"

Anyway, I greatly admire your skills... :)

deltaphi chapter 22 . 7/24/2009
One thing I love about this story is the setting, you obviously did your research well so it's nice to have a writer who knows what their doing, and plus I always had a things for stories set in this time period. Your language to appealing to read too, and I can see you have a lot of talent for this writing.

I'm looking forward for the next chapter!
ayojess chapter 22 . 7/18/2009
This is such a beautifully well written story. Seriously different from the rest of the fictionpress collection, since its not teenage in the least. Wow, you're definitely under-reviewed. Lol but I think i like Corrines view better than Raoul. His "bipolarness" can be confusing.
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