Reviews for Like Father, Not Like Son
dreamer3097 chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
A very good onr
AJ Taylor chapter 1 . 5/28/2011
This was a great story and I really enjoyed it.
outsidersgirl chapter 1 . 7/6/2009
a good one
LadyVi chapter 1 . 2/5/2009

What can I say?

This story was excellent, I got totally hooked, and had to read it all at once!

It's also one of the first romance fics I've ever read from a male P.O.V, and even witnessing his indecision in the beginning about starting to date her, was like wow, I'd always thought that the thought of a younger woman would make a man jump!

I loved the whole honesty section in the middle, where they discussed whether or not he would have helped or if she hadn't been as pretty.

I really loved this fic, well done!

belle1220 chapter 1 . 8/18/2008
This was a really great story. Quite lovely.

I enjoyed reading the progression of Alana and Rick's relationship - from start to baby. Great job.
Strangely Natural chapter 1 . 10/18/2007
Great story, truly nicely cultivated. An actual plot and events developed to make this an informative and empathy-worthy read.

He was lucky to find Alana,

*(That was another thing that just sort of worked out—I stopped having the pay child support just in time to help pay for the baby expenses)* Heh, lucky eh?

*Two creatures that I have so much love for, sharing a nurturing moment; I just want be a part of it.* Absolutely precious!

*Alana believes that it’s important for husbands and wives to continue to have regular sex because it helps maintain and monitor the marital relationship, which sometimes gets pushed aside in the face of parental pressures.* Very true and intelligent!

*So at an age when many of my peers are relaxing and emptying the nest, I’m tired all the time because I have a newborn in the house, with others sure to follow. While they are starting to think about the possibility of early retirement, I am again trying to support a family on a single income—Alana will go back to work eventually, but with college for the kids and all I’m still planning on working until I’m 70. On the other hand, while they (or their partners) enter menopause and start thinking like grandparents, I get to sleep with a younger, smoking hot redhead. Alyssa is just eight weeks old, and already you could never tell that Alana just had a baby. I think it’s funny: now, when we’re shopping, I’ll often see men turn their heads to check my wife out, only to then turn away when they see her toting the baby. I suppose I may even end up with grandchildren older than some of my children, although I hope it doesn’t happen that way. But I'll tell you, when I come home from work and my two beautiful redheaded women are there, happy to see me, each loving me in their own, different ways—I wouldn't trade places ANYONE.* Perfect paragraph to end with, perfect!

Having one parent hate/resent another for whatever reason, especially his ex-wife's selfish reasons, can poison children for no reason, when clearly their father is not a bad man, selfish or unfeeling. Sure he's still a man prone to some measure of faults but so was she, and Shelley inherited the worst of the bunch, being undisciplined, judgmental, and callous, while Sam is significantly better, he's still as shallow as the mother.

Alana is definitely the right woman for him, they complement each other well: body, mind and soul. It's a kind relationship illustrated realistically concerning the circumstances. They're fittingly physical and nicely mentally driven, but it's also so sweet to see their tender moments like the airport moment, the love confession and the afterbirth effects on their bond.
LunaFowl chapter 1 . 10/4/2007
Wow, is this a real story? This is excellent and such an awesome story!

5/5 stars for me. :]
OoohLookACat chapter 1 . 10/3/2007

that's really well written

at first i overlooked it

it didn't really seem like something i would read

but i must admit

it was better than anticipated

i really liked it
