Reviews for Because of a Boy
mellow-jello chapter 1 . 7/9/2008





Halani chapter 22 . 11/22/2007
Did you just hear my jaw hit the floor? I think I did.

I was a smidge unhappy that she married Bryce, but I think I get why you did it.

But at least she WAS with Byron for a little while. And is now pregnant with his child. But tis depressing because that will always be her little reminder.

Congrats on the finished story and I can't wait for the new story. Sounds good!

Sarah-Ray chapter 22 . 11/22/2007
I don't like Bryce but after all I have to say its a 'perfect' ending..


can't wait for you to post the new story :D
Sarah-Ray chapter 21 . 11/22/2007
LOL that was fun to read

I feel pity for Jan

but yeah can't wait for the next one

and oh yea, you're welcome! :D
Alexa'sAppleTree chapter 21 . 11/22/2007
What an evil twin sister :(! And Jamie... I feel so sorry for her ;_;... Who will ever love her in a real way? and not cheat on her :o! I wonder what's going to happen . Please update soon :) !
Sarah-Ray chapter 20 . 11/22/2007
oh he's so sweet..

update soon please
Sarah-Ray chapter 19 . 11/22/2007

Omg I'm so mad at him how can he leave such a sweet girl like her?

and I also like that Byron guy he seems nice and way much better than the dumbass David
Sarah-Ray chapter 18 . 11/22/2007
omg can't she get it

David. Is. Cheating. On. You.
Halani chapter 20 . 11/21/2007
No Jan, you DONT need to talk. You need to leave the house and never talk to Jamie again.

THREE CHAPTERS IN ONE NIGHT! I can hear the hallelujah angel chorus singing! I don't think I could have LIVED without those three chapters!

Anyway... Gotta know why Jan needs to talk.

Update soonish. Or whenever you feel like it.

Halani chapter 19 . 11/21/2007
Well my last remark was unneeded.

YOU KNOW WHAT? David deserves to have wheat cereal thrown at his head and his girlfriends head! But I guess he isn't gay. So that thought is out the window.

Guys shouldn't do that to a girl! Playing with their heart is just so wrong! I mean you think that they know that the guy just wants like a summer fling but then the girl starts falling for him because she doesn't know that. But the guy thinks she knows and so then he thinks she'll understand the breakup! If that made any sense at all.

You know what? Darn David. He doesn't deserve Jamie anyway. He deserves a vicious hearted person with a vicious heart!

If Byron turns on Jamie... There's no hope in the world.

I guess my last little comment was unneeded as said before so yeah just ignore that and add it to this:

*~Update~* Soon

Heh I decorated it!

Halani chapter 18 . 11/21/2007
And now she shall catch him with his girlfriend. Darn David and his stupid girlfriend. Or boyfriend. He could be gay. Ya never know. Wait no he couldn't be because he dated Jamie... You know what, I need to shut up and not think out loud.

Then there's this Byron kid. I like the "Bad Boys"! D Lol. He seems decent enough. . .

Um I don't think I have anything else to say... So yeah, fantabulous update but now I'm scared. I like David... *sniffle* Why do all the so-called "Good Guys" have to cheat on their girlfriends!

Update soon!

Sarah-Ray chapter 17 . 11/20/2007
OMG, I can't believe it O !

update soon please please!
Sarah-Ray chapter 16 . 11/20/2007
why does when everything goes perfect that jerk Bryce show up (
Halani chapter 17 . 11/19/2007
YOU KNOW WHAT? Jeez, I won't take out my anger on you. I swear. I'll take it out on David! I'm going to jump into this computer and knock some FREAKIN' sense into this guys brain!

Jamie must feel horrible because she can't get a good guy. Both boyfriends cheated on her and Bryce tried to rape her.

If I was her I'd swear off guys for good.

Now onto the positive: Maybe Bryce isn't telling the truth. Maybe not, maybe so, you never know. HAH IM A POET! D

Anyway, it was a depressing chapter! I guess I'll keep my wheat cereal in real life until something horribly bad happens.

PINKGAZER1990 chapter 17 . 11/19/2007
omg omg omg omg please please please hurry up with the next one! i cannot believe that omgg HURY! I CANT WAIT NE LONGER! AMAZING!
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