Reviews for Dose of Your Own |
palmsaresweaty chapter 27 . 5/10/2008 tara's abortion story with her mom was really random. shocking i suppose but pretty intense. kelsey and andrew as always: awesome. |
Faith Adeline chapter 26 . 5/7/2008 Yeah, still don't like Brian. At all. Even though I'm a bit confused as to what he was saying. Oh, and your French from couple a chapters ago doesn't match to what you wanted to say, so if you edit this, I would consider finding someone who knows French. Uh...I really think Kelsey shouldn't have let him kiss her. That just seemed dumb on her part. Ah well. Still love Andrew. Great story. Keep it up and update soon :) Faith |
Faith Adeline chapter 24 . 5/7/2008 So, I pretty much adore this story. I've got two chapters left to read, but figured I'd comment now. I took french for 6 years, so I know what he said :) the grammer was okay. Some things could be changed, but it wasn't completely atrocious. So good job on that. And I don't like Brian. . .at all. Haha. I really hope she ends up with Drew. He's amazing, pretty much. Well keep it up! I'm off to read the last two chapters :) Faith |
wookborm chapter 26 . 5/5/2008 OH, MY GAWD! WHAT THE HELL! ... I can't believe you've managed to make me like BOTH Brian AND Andrew. I usually stick to one and totally bash the other dude... But Brian is just so pathetically cute... I still like Andrew a tid bit more, though, so you'd better make him stay with Kelsey. AND OMG, HE'S SUCH AN AGGRAVATING ASS! In a good way... I think. Keep up the amazing work, man. You're fawesome. :) |
BoredomKills0620 chapter 26 . 5/4/2008 So... I have spent the last couple days since I found this story basically doing nothing but reading it... And, man... Wow... I just don't know what else I can say. This is really amazing. I've been completely sucked into this, and, in fact, I've had to pull myself away and take a little break from it a few times because I start thinking it might be real. And then I feel crazy XD The chemistry between Andrew and Kelsey, whoa! Great stuff! There's even been some tummy-flopping on my end :D LOVE love love the fabulous fluffy stuff between them. (And side note... I'm really sorry... :( I searched what Andrew said in French the moment I saw it. And then I got down to the author's note and was like "Whoops..." It was a rough translation, but the last bit that he said was funny.) Brian's a stupid jerk. I just don't have words for him, though I really do wonder what Cassandra did to him that was supposedly super horrible, with her "plotting" and all... Gosh, I can't wait for an update! As far as grammatical errors and things, there have been a good bit of sentence fragments throughout the story, but ya know what... I don't think I'd even want that changed. It adds a bit to how she says things. And that's all I've noticed. Anyways, point is: great story! I'm kind of blown away. Can't wait until the next update! :) (And I've got it on story alert, haha.) God bless, Chelsea . |
Seisaset chapter 26 . 5/4/2008 wow. this chapter was intense. please update soon ! |
Stahlut chapter 26 . 5/4/2008 that was so awesome. I really loved it, and cannot wait to read more. |
Ms.Romantic chapter 26 . 5/3/2008 love |
Just Another Teen Author chapter 26 . 5/3/2008 ...What did Sandy do? 0_0 ...Please explain...Please, please explain. ;_; |
DuchessYappingDog chapter 26 . 5/3/2008 I'm a little confused as to what is going on (as in... Brian's and Cassandra's plots), but that's okay! I hope that Andrew doesn't get so mad at her because she and Brian kissed. Sigh. So complicated! |
The Fates03 chapter 26 . 5/3/2008 Hey hey, I really love your story. I hope that I've written you a review before, if i haven't, I'm sorry! I've been reading since you first started the story and it's bloody awsome! I cannot wait till your next chapter is out! Btw, Brian is still a wanker (In my own opinion, but i guess i see where he is comng from), I don't understand why the hell Cassandra was crying? I still think that Drew and kelsey should get together, not brian and kelsey (even though she has a hate/love relationship with him)...IT's just odd, because drew already know's (or should know) that he has kelsey, but he keeps on playing mind games with her! Typical males lol...Keep up the fantastic work! |
Corrie chapter 26 . 5/2/2008 Hey I really like this story but im a little bit confused with the whole happenings of this chapter...If thats the point and you are planning to explain these events in a future chapter then thats cool but if this chapter kind of explains it all then will you e-mail me 'cause it may just be me being blonde again but im still this story again (rooting for andrew) |
nonaccount chapter 26 . 5/2/2008 Maybe not skewer, but flambe is a possibility. I mean, what the *hell* is going on? Ugh, what is wrong with Kelsey where Brian is concerned? Hopefully, at least, after this chapter she will have seen the light and stop this stupid plan, which really, at this point seems more self-serving, in a self-destructive way, than anything else. Okay, deep cleansing breath, . . . the very small scene with Andrew was very romantic and sweet. Of course she's tossed that out the window, for a while at least, with that stupid kiss with Brian. Ugh . . . |
esanqueen chapter 26 . 5/2/2008 OMGOODNESS! DAT WAS SO TIGHT! AWSUM! Kelsey is so cool n i luv Brian n Andrew I'm so confused between the 2 of dem again, man thx for updating i live for your story! *kelsey rox!* |
Veronica Kimble chapter 26 . 5/2/2008 i was alittle confused in the scene between kels and brian, but it was really awesome overall. cant wait for the next chapter! x |