Reviews for The Final War
mimevirgo chapter 1 . 8/9/2010

Just lovely.

This story is the second of fiction press story that I have read. Boy, won't it make me anticipate in what other well written stories I can find here.

Love the background info you have for this kingdom. Love the relationship between 2 men in different social status and conquering it. I think you've made a good choice to stop where you did. If you tried to continue, I won't be able to day dream on what their future might be like. Which is always a sign of a well written story.

Please do write more.
autumn-annette-19 chapter 26 . 8/4/2010
Great Story, keep up the good work.
anne chapter 25 . 3/5/2010
I just read the story, and I am stunned.

Its really a lovely story.

now I can go to sleep and dream about fluffy romances.

good night
Reader chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
This story is absolutely wonderful!
sshsilence chapter 26 . 12/29/2009
Wonderfully done!

I don't think I caught any spelling/grammar mistakes at all- kudos to you.

One thing that struck me funny was that Dahl-the way I said it in my head, was kinda like a drawn out Doll...Which makes me smile, that the General's name is similar to Doll..._

and one other point. Vidar and Vardon, were the two "real" royals, but Viran's name was similar and also started with a V- I wondered if this was on purpose or not, Because a couple times in the beginning I was confusing Vidar and Viran- but Maybe that's just me. Plus it would probably be a really big pain in the ass to change it...but I thought I would put the idea out there
Kiri chapter 26 . 12/9/2009
Why doesn't this have more reviews?

I totally fell in love with this story, it's a real shame that it doesn't get more attention!

I love how this story was very plot driven, while it didn't fail to give me manlove
Cecilia chapter 25 . 12/9/2009
Excellent story! I really enjoyed it.
Yaoifix Rin chapter 2 . 3/25/2009
Oh, this is so lovely and passionate and heartbreaking! Can't wait to read the rest! :)
tessahawthorne chapter 26 . 2/7/2009
Wow... that was amazing! i totally fell in love with your characters! and the plot was insanely good. you had me crying, and laughing, and in total awe! you rock my socks ]
Schwarz Shifter chapter 26 . 12/31/2008
Wow. This is one of the first stories I have ever seen with an equal amount of romance and plot. I really enjoyed reading this, even though it took me two days! But anyway, you have a wonderful story here.
Anoni chapter 26 . 12/10/2008
Fantastic! I don't know why there aren't more reviews. This is my second time around reading your story!
NotMyShoes chapter 26 . 11/30/2008
Wow. It's rare that you find stories of this scale on fictionpress. This is absolutely wonderful, probably quite publishable in my opinion. Great work and congratulations on writing such a brilliant story!
jess chapter 26 . 11/21/2008
This is really sylenctone but I'm a bad girl and read this at work. I couldn't wait until I got home to tell you how fantastic this was! I'm grinning so hard that my face may be permenantly stuck that way. I loved this story so much and I'm just delighted that they were so welcomed into Evan's family. And they got to get married too! So wonderful!

Thank you ever so much for writing this and revisiting one of my very favorite couples!

Your fangirl incognito

Sapphire2619 chapter 26 . 11/21/2008
wow that was awesome lol its such a great story I loved it
NightNinja4 chapter 26 . 11/20/2008
Naughty naughty Dahle and Evan 3 hehe. that was so sweet that I was about to cry almost. Abright sun makes you a morning person *sweatdrops* ah well. This was good make more find ideas and wright them down!XD
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