Reviews for The Final War
BeneGesserit chapter 1 . 10/13/2007
well, this looks promising...

i'll withold further comment til i read the next chapters...

keep them coming though... really enjoy your work
sylenctone chapter 1 . 10/11/2007
Your work is always a pleasure to read and I'm delighted to add another story of yours to my favorites. Your original and well thought out work brightens my day (or middle of the night in this case) and I always smile when I see "New Chapter or Story from MomsDarkSecret" in my inbox. This story has started off as intriguingly as anyone could wish. I'm filled with exited questions about these three young men and can't wait until they are answered in later chapters. May your real life and your muses cooperate amicably to expedite your next chapter!

Thank you for writing!

Your verbose and effusively praising fangirl,

Jess (sylenctone)
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