Reviews for Lips Burn Caustic
GrannyP chapter 4 . 11/5/2007
Everett cracks me up with his "shoo shoo" thing. The relationship between the two brothers is hilarious. You do a great job with that.
GrannyP chapter 3 . 11/2/2007
I laughed again. Love it.
GrannyP chapter 2 . 11/1/2007
Another hilarious chapter. Not too slow moving at all. The part with the religious textbooks questions... I almost cried, I was laughing so hard. In elementary and middle school, I went to a school that was probably similar to that one, and I have actually seen questions like that. And He-ping being brought up again later...genius work!

I will keep reading.

GrannyP chapter 1 . 11/1/2007
Hey! I just started reading this, and I am loving it (only read the first chappy so far). The summary alone had me rolling on the floor in laughter; the entire first chapter was pretty similar. I've never heard of an emophobe before, but I love it! I foresee a dramatic change in Roscoe's life, and hopefully a change in his opinions. We'll see!

I will keep reading and I'm sure I will still be impressed!

Carlette chapter 7 . 10/30/2007

I want moree!

That was one freaky dream... :O
Carlette chapter 6 . 10/30/2007
HONSESTLY this is FAR from being crap!

I think this was my favorite chapter so far! I laughed when Manson licked Rosco's face!

Carlette chapter 5 . 10/30/2007
This was the funniest chapter!

"I’m grabbed and whirled around by Cassie, who’s surprisingly strong, probably from all that fat power, and I practically get my face smashed into her cleavage. Normally, I wouldn’t mind such a thing, but her boobs are kind of scary and fat and eating my face. She pushes me away from them, holding me at arms length."

HAHAHAHA! That was hilarious!
Carlette chapter 4 . 10/30/2007
I think Rosco is quiet humorous. :D

I feel a little bad that he doesn't want to be seen anywhere in public with Everett though. He needs to get over his homophobia!
Carlette chapter 3 . 10/30/2007
This chapter was not sucky!

I wonder what will happen at homecoming? :D
Carlette chapter 2 . 10/29/2007
So far I think the chapters have been very enjoyable! I don't think it's slow moving at all!

It's definatley one of the best stories I've read on here!

Carlette chapter 1 . 10/29/2007
I LOVE this story already!

Hopefully Rosco will change his feeling about his brother having a boyfriend.
i found alaska chapter 7 . 10/29/2007
pfft. you suck.

no. just kidding. :]
deadaccount38289 chapter 7 . 10/29/2007
YOU! You are such a tease. D: And this was uber creepy. The descriptions were very nice though, I could definitely picture the whole thing in my head. And it scared me. _

And the little picture of Mason is SUPERSUPERCUTE!
Scene-Damagexx chapter 7 . 10/29/2007
Curse you and your teasingness. :P

Though I must say I love sites that make you procrastinate. Not that I NEED to seeing how the end of the grading period is next Friday and I'm 5 assignments behind in physics and have 2 psychology things to do. :


And this chapter was weird. WTF. I'd be freaking out if I had a dream like that. It's creepy.

Update soon.

Scene-Damagexx chapter 6 . 10/24/2007

Oh my God, I just sat and giggled and I have the cutest little image in my head.

Can he come live with me? :D :D :D

Cassie is such a bitch. How can she be so mean to Mason? Aw...that makes me wanna go slap a ho or something. :[

Anyways, Vito's pretty nifty. He sort of reminds me of me though cause I start laughing over the stupidest things that no one else finds funny and they all look at me and I'm like, "WHAT?" And he reacts the same way I do:

"I've never heard of *band here*"


Then I whip out muh iPod and life is good.


yumyum...Chiodos reference. :]

I totally don't blame Rosco for not liking FOB. FOB scares me...well, more specifically, Pete Wentz scares me. My friend tricked me into clicking the links to the pictures and, well, that ruined my virgin eyes for life.

The best cookie dough is the Pillsbury Sugar Cookie dough. Especially the kind that has the pictures on them, like chicks or hearts or ghosts. My mommy bought the ghost kind the other day and they're so cute.

Holy shit, I think there was a fly drinking out of my straw. :

Anyways, update son. Please :D
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