Reviews for Lips Burn Caustic
deadaccount38289 chapter 21 . 8/22/2008

You have no idea how much I've been wanting this. Every time I got to my e-mail and it was like "FP New Chapter..." I'd be all like SDGJDSKGSD hoping it was this one, and it NEVER WAS. It upset me greatly. I was on the verge of sending you a naggy myspace message. xD

But now. It's here. And I am glad! I didn't think it was crap at all. Sure, not a whole lot happened, but it still kept me very entertained throughout. And omg Demen in Rosco's house. God. He totally had the right to be freaked out. And the whole Mufasa thing had me cracking up. xD

Of course, I was way overly excited to have so much Everett in this chapter. So much happines. :DD He's just too evil and cute for me to express in words. And for some reason the cats always preferring to sit by Rosco made me giggle.

And all of Ty's parts were pure awesome. He's just great at dissipating tension, now isn't he? Especially with the metamorphosis.

I lovelovelove this story. It’s the best thing on fictionpress I’ve read so far. Fo realz. WILL YOU UPDATE QUICKERR NEXT TIME?
Triizore chapter 21 . 8/22/2008
Ty is really weird.
GrannyP chapter 21 . 8/22/2008
So it was kind of slow moving at the beginning, but once Everett left Vito's house, it really started picking up and that's when I started laughing. When Demen was in the house, it was great! I didn't see that coming at all! And the fact that he was LOOKING at Roscoe... why did that make me want to fall out of my chair from laughing so hard? Man oh man. And footsie under the table? Holy beep! (don't ask). Anyway, yeah, the latter half of the chapter was great and hilarious as always.

But what's going on with Roscoe and Izzy? I'm sure they will be getting together soon... but how is Demen going to effect this? Hee hee. Oh, the possibilities.
Faradays chapter 20 . 8/19/2008
I love your characters, they're amazing. Specially Rosco, i wonder if he's edible...

Well now... Update or ELSE.
forever isnt that long chapter 20 . 8/9/2008

I stumbled upon this story yesterday, and I wasn't sure how great it would be..


It's fantastic!

forever isnt that long chapter 2 . 8/8/2008


You knew what was going to happen in chapter six while posting the second?


Maybe that's not so suprising.

Did you outline it all first?
loubylouxx chapter 20 . 7/6/2008
Wow. I just spend two days reading this entire story, and it's fucking awesome! I love it! Vito is the best character ever.
Triizore chapter 20 . 7/3/2008
Twenty chapters in to the story and I'm still not positive of the plot. You know when to add the right ammount of humor into the somber moment.

deadaccount38289 chapter 20 . 7/2/2008
I love drunk Vito! So hilarious, although some of the things he said were so awful. Poor Mason. He gets picked on. xD This whole chapter was crazy random and it was amazing. All things considered, I think Rosco handled the Ev-and-Mason sexy time thing rather well. I think earlier, he would've... Drenched himself in gasoline and lit himself on fire. Or at least threw up somewhere.

Poor Rosco, too... First he had his ass groped by Vito and then he was forcibly stripped down to his undies. Hm. I feel bad, but only a little, because it did provide a hell of a lot of entertainment for me. (:

I also was amused because Everett was like, the harbinger of doom. Everything was just all fun and dandy and then he arrives and everything just stops. I could practically hear the foreboding music playing in the background. M Evvy Evvy Evvy. Love.

I'm gonna cut this short, because there's a man in a dress on the tv, and I'm intrigued. So, yeah, AMAZING CHAPTER. Can't wait for the next. :D
GrannyP chapter 20 . 7/2/2008
Whoa, what a difference in Roscoe in this chapter! There was one part where he mentioned Vito kissing Mason, and he didn't seem to flinch at all! I was very impressed. The deal near the end was a little awkward though... and did I read that correctly? Vito and Roscoe were in Vito's bed together? HA! Okay, I am just being weird now. But that was a little creepy for Vito to be grabbing on to Roscoe, even if he was drunk.

Wow, this was just a overall funny (and long!) chapter. Thanks for keeping me entertained this morning!
Electric Sky chapter 20 . 7/2/2008
Aha, that was great. I loved drunk Vito. This chapter made me laugh so hard.

I like how the title comes into play.

For some reason I keep picturing my boyfriend as Rosco. He fits the description. It's still awkward.
gleee chapter 20 . 7/2/2008
Freaking awesome chapter!

Ha, we finally get to see a drunken Vito in action, and it was very very funneh (Kleenex anyone?)

Ahh hugs, aren't they fun...hehe Roscoe got groped...i bet he secretly liked it, he kept talking about it...

And yes, pretty boys running around in their underwear under sprinklers sounds quite nice at the moment.

Ahh funny coincidence (sp?) i brought my friend a pack of flavoured condoms for her 16th on monday, we filled them with glow-in-the-dark silly string, it was so awesome! (don't use the strawberry ones, they snap o.o)

Hot pink post-its own the icky yellow ones!

...does Mason like Vito? I mean, in this chapter, he seems to be, i dunno, whenever Vito ignores him for Roscoe, he gets annoyed, meakishly, eh and takes care of him when he's drunk and hungover.

But maybe he's just being a good friend or whatever, i dunno, just a little something i picked up (i think...)

Dear Roscoe is growing, up. He used to have a spack attack and almost throw up at the meer mention of 'gay', but now he can sit and listen to creaking beds and know it's his bro and kitty boy without having a major fit. I'm proud of him

Thankies for another awesome-o chapter!
MildlySweet Chocolate chapter 19 . 6/26/2008
All i have to say is I've spent like the last two weeks reading your story. Yeah, I'm pretty much addicted.
Electric Sky chapter 19 . 6/24/2008


Erm, anyway, this story is awesome. I love the characters and the sense of humor in it is awesome. And it's really well written. I love it. :D
Triizore chapter 19 . 6/21/2008
Yes... I still have no clue
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