Reviews for New Taste
Kat chapter 1 . 8/21/2008
It's good and all, but... *note - not a flame, just advice*

This is just constructive critisism given to make the story more enjoyable and easier to read.

I like the concept of the story but the wording and paragraphs are little to be desired. The sentences are too short and abrupt and the conversations are confusing because you didn't paragraph them. The pacing of what was going on doesn't really flow so it's hard to read.

I don't think I'm going to continue reading since it seems a little lacking in *something*. I like the idea/plot though.
Myeako chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
Ok, I am going to be honest, and I don't mean any of this in a bad way. I only managed to read the first chapter. It was interesting, but the format threw me off. The sentences were very short and abrupt, and the paragraphs were rather dense. I know someone else mentioned this, but it's best to separate the paragraphs when you have multiple people speaking. It makes it easier to follow, and it also makes the writing flow better. Also, you should avoid starting sentences with 'he had', 'he was' and other variations. Like my english teacher in junior year was fond of saying, show, don't tell.

This was an interesting chapter, but it could be made so much better by simple changes. I'm not putting you down, or saying this is bad, but I do think it could be made better.
Haley Hardcore chapter 23 . 4/9/2008
awesome story killer ending!1
Haley Hardcore chapter 2 . 4/9/2008
this is an awesome story!
Principessa de Medici chapter 23 . 11/26/2007
I just finished reading all of it. It was a very good story. I was sad when Nick died. And you described his death very well.

Principessa de Medici chapter 19 . 11/26/2007
Wow this is a powerful chapter. I feel bad for Nick!
Principessa de Medici chapter 17 . 11/26/2007
Well Naomi can't have twins from two different men at the same time. It just doesn't work that way. Unless its some kinda vampire power.
Principessa de Medici chapter 16 . 11/26/2007
woot. I like how this story is climaxing.
Principessa de Medici chapter 15 . 11/26/2007
WTF? That last part was.. different. I like how Nick tied Nina up with duct tape just to shut her up. lol. Nick seems to have a way to attract all the women. Does he have that vampire power where they can seduce anyone?

I read the original Dracula too. I though it was cool how all the chapters were journal entries, letters, or telegrams. I tried to do that with one of my stories but it didn't work. oh well.
Principessa de Medici chapter 14 . 11/26/2007
Good god. Now I know why this is rated M.
Principessa de Medici chapter 10 . 11/20/2007
Hm... I don't think i like Naomi so much anymore. But we'll see what happens.
Principessa de Medici chapter 9 . 11/20/2007
Nick has changed so much during this story. And your write style is improving too. Salestela reminds me of Akasha in Anne Rice's Queen of the Damned. I dunno if you've read it, but its very good.
Principessa de Medici chapter 4 . 11/20/2007
Wow! he only turns into a vampire if he seeks revenge? Thats freaking awesome. I feel like I'm submitting too many reviews but what the hell. I'm enjoying this.
Principessa de Medici chapter 3 . 11/20/2007
Damn it. I typed a good long review for this chapter and then my internet died(again!) so i lost it.

Anyway. I thought your descriptions were very good. I liked how you discribed the lady in the shop where Nick bought the books. It was funny, detailed, and different. I also liked how you described the party. It made me laugh.
Principessa de Medici chapter 2 . 11/20/2007
O vampires! The Legend is very cool. I like the plot twist in this chapter.
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