Reviews for The Dieter’s Handbook : A Holly Sullivan Story
kit feral chapter 2 . 8/9/2009
Ahahaha. Very amusing. She's a good character. It's hard to write something "fluffy" like this, and still make it seem good, but you're pulling it off quite well. Great job, I'll keep reading :)
Alejandra chapter 2 . 10/26/2007
LOL you made me laugh out loud with the snoring incident in the lecture room! But man that happens sometimes ay? Hahaha you know at my uni someone actually fell asleep and actually fell down in the middle of the theater? Hahahaha, well yeah great! Well done! I get the feeling Tom likes Holly? Hahahaha I don't know it should be interesting but yeah definitely funny and a great read! :D
Trishcbury chapter 1 . 10/24/2007
i already really like the main character. :D
Alejandra chapter 1 . 10/22/2007
Kassie! (this is Gigi btw hahaha) aah I LOVED IT! I'm being serious I'm not just being your friend, it's just so cool and funny! It's SO you! Hahahaha I love it PLEASE keep it coming! :D