Reviews for Ugly Duckling Turned Swan
RenaeJoy chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
update again...

please continue writing... :)
notjustink chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
Please please please let some serious ass- kicking go down in this story. I can barely read about them bullying Savannah without getting angry, and it's not even like it's real. haha Keep it up!
thecowonthebox chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
This first new chapter is pretty good ! I almost can feel the hate from Savannah...

Poor girl '.

More soon ?
AsianPearl101 chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
Hey it's back! I've been wanting to finish this story! Can't wait to see the changes :)
hehehaha94 chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
I'll try to ) erm hope you finsih writing!
tassu13 chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
Please please pleas please update faster I'm going to die now if I have to wait any longer to read this story;););) chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, anyway, this is sooooooo much better than the other 1 :) anyway, gotta kick some layton ass.. hahahaha lol anyway, love the new version
rosella taylor chapter 2 . 12/6/2011
Perfect and now please hurry
angel chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
seriously? again?

i hope you're right... This story has way too many hiatuses. Don't keep your readers waiting...
Miss Peachy chapter 2 . 12/5/2011
I have to say, before I review this marvelously updated chapter that I have read countless times before in the many ways you presented it, thank you. This story was one of the first ones I ever read on FP, one of the first stories I could ever really connect to. I didn't even have an account on here when I first read this story. The way you weaved words together was amazing to me back then, for I was a childish girl going through the same problems the Old Savannah was going through as well. I was constantly bullied throughout high school, always trying to dodge the eyes of the bullies and the nasty words they threw at me. But when I found your story during that time, it gave me comfort, because ultimately I could relate with Savannah and her weight issues. I could relate to the way she looked at the floor in embarrassment or shame, and I could only envy how she grew into a beautiful young woman, hoping for the same changes in myself.

I loved the way you sent her to her strict, yet brutally honest loving grandmother who changed her for the better. I loved how you sent her back to school to kiss the geeky guy and then meet up with Agnus, the mystery girl, who we never got to see developed into something of an ally or enemy. I also loved your second time around with this story when you sent Savannah back to school to meet up with Layton in the library, and infiltrate Mercedes (or was it Camille's, I don't remember!) table with all the other snobby girls. I remember it all and loved every time you updated. Even with the rewrites and such I loved this story, especially because your writing always seemed to grow along with Savannah. And now that I'm out of high school, no longer relatable to Savannah in such ways, I'm still excited to see how she turns out to be. So thank you, for writing this story about an awkward teen to another awkward teen. Even if this story is never published, I'll always cherish it fondly. You were actually the FP author that inspired me to write my stories as well, lol.

So besides all that cheesy crap (I just had to spill, cause I love this story to pieces), I really love how this Savannah handled the situation again. I also admire the goons Layton has under his control to do his bidding. It seems this times sparks are really gonna fly. Not to mention your writing has gotten so much better! I love it!

Peace girl, can't wait for the next update!
dawnita chapter 2 . 12/5/2011
wow, this was good. i can't wait to see what happens next. this really got me curious ... and your writing is really good. i love how you describe the scene. update soon! :)

- d.
TheLittleGirlWithAFrenchBeret chapter 2 . 12/5/2011
I am interested in this new version...but I do want to see what you made of the one that was up said you were putting them up? ...I'll check tomorrow when I have a little more time. I'll always be your devoted reader :)
Concerned chapter 8 . 11/29/2011
FYI UGLY DUCKLING by Angel's Midnight. It looks like your story.

larkkb chapter 8 . 11/27/2011
I really like this! Please continue
clichelover chapter 8 . 11/20/2011
please oh please please update!
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