Reviews for Get Mad, Baby
im chapter 1 . 9/10/2012 really made me laugh with this !Now I am going to proclaim my support for the story an yell to the the world:"I am a woman!Hear me roar!"haha
ColourCascade chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
I've read this one before but then I went back and read it again and I really like it so I thought id add it as a favourite because it is pretty awesome :)
JFaith chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
Oh, man, I've read this so many years ago, but I come back to this very often because it's cute and daring, and in a couple of ways, reminds me of the person I was in high school (I wince every time). Pretty much, I was a doormat.

The one thing I liked most of all was how Devonny semi-reverted back to her original character once Ryan left and she saw how badly she had thoroughly smashed his car. Change doesn't happen overnight, but I'm glad she discovered the "I am woman! Hear me roar!"-ness hidden deep inside. ;D Hopefully that meekness will subside into a strong self-confidence, which I'm sure will no doubt happen eventually, since Peter will be there to guide her. ;D

Best line ever? "Get mad, baby. Get -real- mad."
Aspired Writer chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Haha, aw, that was adorable. :) I love this and how it played out. Hmm, Devon definitely deserved better than that scum, Ryan. Peter is so much better for her. So yes, I loved the ending.
Thank you for sharing this story with us. (:
And yes, I am more than pleased I stumbled upon this.

Aspired Writer.
Ceri Anne chapter 1 . 7/24/2012
This has put a smile on my face! I was trying to read it at work without anyone knowing what I was doing - I don't think I succeeded... Oh well. I love Peter - can I steal him? Thanks ever so much!
FreekyDisaster18 chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Hey! I'm here to share some exciting news with you. This story has been added to the one shot category over on A Drop of Romeo! :)

Here's the Review:

"“Get Mad, Baby” by DevonnyAuriel can only be described as a case of the blind leading the blind which makes for an extremely fantastic read. Our female lead, Devonny, is finally fed up of being walked over by her boyfriend – because seriously, who wouldn’t see your boyfriend sleeping with your own sister as the last straw? – so she’s finally feeling reckless. With a baseball bat. Enter our handsome male lead, Peter, who has an infamous reputation for being a bad boy and has been to anger management who is trying to talk her down from doing something so stupid...

DevonnyAuriel has written a beautiful masterpiece that has the reader addicted from the very first line. Her characters are believable and extremely realistic. Devonny’s sudden rush of feeling angry lasts for those adrenaline induced minutes before returning to her usual horrified self which was a fantastic display of characterisation. And Peter... Oh what can I say about Peter apart from wishing that he was real? He’s a bad boy but DevonnyAuriel hasn’t been too enthusiastic with his bad boy traits. There’s no jail time, no heavy tattoos nor was he wearing chains and leather pants. From breaking this mould, DevonnyAuriel has created a believable bad boy that all girls know their father’s would cry about them dating but they’re going to do it anyway. The reader may not be able to relate to the characters scenario but they sure as hell can understand and feel what it is the characters are feeling.

This is such quirky and unique one shot you can’t help but love it as you read. Trust me, if this is a way to catch the attention of a cute guy then find me a creep’s car and a baseball bat..."

Keep writing,

Helen xo
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
absentmindedprofessor chapter 1 . 5/26/2012
Adorable and sweet and GIRL POWER! And Peter, of course, was a sweetheart. You go Devon! :D
3rd Bookworm chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
That was reaaaally cute I love it. Oh my god I just called it cute, that's an American thing god I have to stop watching American movies what I mean was it was great.
Whatsoever chapter 1 . 5/19/2012
haha yay peter and dev are perfect together! the meek girl who can't help sometimes be crazy and the guy with the anger management issues who's trying to calm her down. i love it :3
Kikokomai-chan chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
I loved this story! especially the part where she scream "I am woman, hear me roar!" priceless.

I thought this was a great story, and it was written very well. Loved it!
Silent Grenade chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
AAAAAAAAAAAAAND I MUST SAY THAT THIS WAS AWESOME TOO! OMG! In case you werw wondering, I am BUH-BAM, who revied your story about the food analogies a few minutes ago, and left that long, weird thing that is supposed to be a review. yes.


I really, REALLY, would appreciate it if you published something for the world to read because, let's face it, as great as FP is, not very many people get reviews, and YOu are one of the very view people who need to be reviewed constantly. Like, Forever, ever minute, if that makes sense. LOl i guess it doesn't. Whatevs.

Anyway, Lemme know if you will be using yoru real name or your FP name, or just another different pen name altogether because seriously, I want to read your stuff, and force my friends to read your stuff (which I'm going to do REGARDLESS, because Seriously, FOOD ANALOGIES? RANDOM TIFTS OF WELL PLACED ANGER, TWISTED MERMAID TALES? Um, how can your genius NOT be spread around like butter on toast!) and hopefully, one day, I WILL BE GOING TO BARNES AND NOBLE TO BUY YOUR LATEST BOOK. YEAH.

I sort of lost the point of what else I wanted to say because I have ADD, and get distracted easily, which when you consider that I am almost 21, I should have grown out of this but NO, so I'm just going to stop here and end with:

You're amazing. I love this story. I can't wait to see your entrance into the Amazeballs world of fiction. :D

But Please, whatever you do, do NOT write something Twilight-y. Stephanie Meyer had a huge hit with that, and to be perfectly honest, good for her, but gross for us not-tweens (although, she was totally spot on with that book HOST she wrote. That ish will eff your mind. lol I swear. BUT I DIGRESS! AGAIN!)

if you like Miz Meyer and her TwiHard boosk, good for you. Just don't like...follow her lead? I mean yeah, let's hope you have her success, but.. just... yughdsfbjfdsbl okay i'm going to shut up and send this review. It is way longer, and much more pointless than I had intended _ MY BAD, YO.

Uh... Have a Or something. OKAY SENDING NOW BYE!
halamadrid chapter 1 . 3/10/2012
Haha this is great! :D
theKnobblyKneedWriter chapter 1 . 3/2/2012
Oh my gawd :) That was incredible
reve d'amour chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
This made my day. I love it. As a doormat myself, I have often found myself wanting to go crazy and smash up an ex-boyfriend's car and makeout with a hot guy on it. If only...
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