Reviews for Trespassing on Private Lives
absentmindedprofessor chapter 1 . 5/3/2012
Interesting little one-shot. I like the way you portrayed the story from a rather intelligent little boy's eyes. It gave the story a fresh perspective. And the ending was sweet. D
Sloppy Joe 313 chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
Love it
Alive Out of Habit chapter 1 . 7/3/2008
An interesting, weird character. Rather than be depressed at the fact that his parents are out of love, he ravishes in it. But at the end it shows that he is in fact an insightful young kid. The exchanges between the parents are very well done as was the way you described the situation. It had a very nice ending, one that I didn't expect, which is new for me.

However, one thing I didn't like was the last line from David. What he said seemed completely out of character. This is probably the only problem I had with the story. Besides that, and a few spelling errors, everything else flowed nicely.

Two things I found"

For a while Sam thought this was it,

Sam? Did you mix up names here?

back when we first meet.”

Should be met.
Bazooka Joy chapter 1 . 11/2/2007
Lol nice.