Reviews for You Suck
Surfing Dog chapter 1 . 11/22/2007
This is "10 Things I hate about you" but with "sucking". Love it.
ughgoodbye chapter 1 . 11/16/2007
Whoa, Nelly.

This poem is so hot, man. It really is. I love it. From beginning to end, it just makes you want to keep reading. You don't hold back, and it all makes sense even with those twisters like "You suck my sex drive clean away/And you suck when you don’t call/But you suck the most when I find out/That you don’t suck at all." It's so great. It's going up on my favorites.
Cait of the Vog monsters chapter 1 . 11/14/2007
I don't want to just say, 'I loved it' like everyone else will surely do. I want to tell you that you are an artist, I want you to know that your work is worth while and i really wish for you to understand that your work is beautiful. So keep on truck'in on my friend.